[Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!]

[Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!]
RE: [Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase
"Alright then! If nobody has any objections, my place! We can grab some food and camping supplies in case we can't get off-planet and have to hide in the wilderness until this all blows over!" shouted Wilnarr, slamming shut the trunk of his car and climbing forward to the front seat. "Couldn't find any binoculars, so those must be at home. Plus I need my meds. My place is there, that section, the one without all the smoke," he said to Jones, pointing to his home district. "Forget the air lanes, we've got murderbots everywhere! Just land in my backyard or something if you can."

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase - by Demonsul - 01-02-2019, 06:41 PM