Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)

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Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Well, while we wait for one HIGHLY-REGARDED SLACKER to show up, I might as well cover the rules of duplicate answers that I made up because there are duplicate answers.

If the duplicate answers are from within the same group, we reveal the answers as normal. However, the two players who gave identical answers are considered the same entity SO FOR EXAMPLE if both Player A and Player Digimon say "BLUE" for favorite color, other players who believe that BLUE is an answer to their question need only to give ONE (1) of the players names to avoid a point deduction. If you are one of the people who said an identical answer, you can omit saying the other person/persons entirely as its just assumed you would get it. That's not to say you should be shooting for answers that are likely to be identical, because you're just making it easier for everyone else to also get points and THIS AIN'T COMMUNISM.

If duplicate answers are given from different groups, all parties will be asked to submit a new answer, because logically I would have to deem the answer to versatile for this game.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game) - by Mehgamehn - 03-25-2013, 10:39 PM