[Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!]

[Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!]
RE: [Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase
"Ah, so 'yours' only recently then." She said, dropping the quotation marks heavily. She glanced over it again, looking for a panel. "So, is it a hardware problem, or a user problem then?" Lucy was getting mildly curious about this. Most people weren't up front about stealing medical equipment.

Or offering merc services. To fly? "Isn't a merc looking for good cause work sort of an oxymoron mister?"

And then, whoa, other guy here. She put a hand out cautiously to shake in response. "Unless I missed a message, nope. Chroma here maybe."
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase - by MQuinny1234 - 12-28-2018, 08:14 PM