Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)

Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
How... how dare you! I wanted to create a chess tournament for all to enjoy, and you just blocked that with your grammar nazism?

Yeah, same.

Action 1: Create Chess tournament for Simumodder’s enteties and the humans.

Action 2: Point out the fact that the Godmodder somehow accepted my pie flavoured pie despite not existing.

Action 3: Proceed to create a free chess learning site for all to learn.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session) - by HunterX55 - 12-28-2018, 02:52 PM