Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)

Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
Ehhh... ill put off my attack for just the moment.

So the alchemiter can create vehicles? I like the sound of that.
Action 1: Motorbike && Jet, then with the aid of the alchemist, i take the result of that combination and put it through 914 on the Fine setting.
Action 2: I take my vehicle for a ride and start performing hit and run attacks on the pawns, holding out a blade and using my speed to give it a killer edge or just simply ramming the pawns over.
Action 3: I take a high-tech pair of binoculars and begin tracking the simumodder's movements with it, so when i do launch my attack on him its mpre likely to hit.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session) - by Ten11 - 12-28-2018, 01:35 AM