Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)

Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
I upgrade AAAA man, turning him into.. oh my god, it turns into....


Now with a "S", "C", a "R", and m o r e A s
His damage skyrockets, reaching unprecedented levels. He rapidfire punches down the imps, shattering the majority of the bones in their bodies.
His aura flares up, ready for more buffs. He's a ninecharge entity now, and ready for pure strife.
Everyone, if you don't know what to do, pour actions into his attack and maybe a shield for him! If I play this right, we could get a guy with incredible attack!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session) - by FlamingFlapjacks - 12-25-2018, 03:03 AM