RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
12-24-2018, 02:27 AM
New Charging and Entity Rules:
Thanks to the Simumodder taking its first point of damage, active charging and entity summoning has been enabled! A copy of these rules will be posted in the OP.
Charging Mechanics:
In addition to spending actions on Battlefield actions, you can also convert actions into Charge Points (or CP, for short) that can be stored in an active charge. An active charge represents an immediate Battlefield action that is difficult to counter and has a power equivalent to multiple individual actions (e.g., a charged attack, a charged heal, a charged assist, etc.) and requires the expenditure of CP. An active charge can also be expended to summon entities onto the Battlefield (entity summoning is explained in a later section of the rules).
Players can trade each other CP as a free action. However, attempting to combine multiple active charges together may require a multi-turn combination sequence to function (especially if the combined charge would be particularly strong), and the participating players and the “ritual” must be defended from enemies.
Entity Mechanics:
Entities are the NPC combatants of the Battlefield who serve the players or Simumodder directly. In addition to bodyguarding combatants, entities make the opposing team’s combatants more vulnerable, and serving as the target of most attacks. Each entity acts during the End of Turn Battle (or EoTB, for short), in a set order (usually it’s AG, Neutral, PG, and finally, the Simumodder). Summoned entities can be whatever the summoner desires: characters from pop culture, original creations, you name it! Regardless of origin, entities are defined by their stats and mechanics: HP, attack, Dodge, Armor, etc. The summoner is free to design their entities with whatever mechanics they wish, as long as they are balanced according to the power of the action or charge used to summon them. In general, entities are balanced by investing actions or CP into their stats - if you’re trying to summon a tanky 10-charge entity, you might give it 8 CP worth of health or defensive abilities and 2 CP worth of attack and offensive abilities, while a glass cannon might receive 3 CP worth of health or defensive abilities and 7 CP worth of attack or offensive abilities. More detailed notes on balancing specific stats are below, in the List of Useful Entity Stats and Mechanics. Putting more CP (passive or active) into an entity will make it stronger.
List of Useful Entity Mechanics:
While none of these stats are strictly required in an entity, they are still very useful and easily applicable.
Thanks to the Simumodder taking its first point of damage, active charging and entity summoning has been enabled! A copy of these rules will be posted in the OP.
Charging Mechanics:
In addition to spending actions on Battlefield actions, you can also convert actions into Charge Points (or CP, for short) that can be stored in an active charge. An active charge represents an immediate Battlefield action that is difficult to counter and has a power equivalent to multiple individual actions (e.g., a charged attack, a charged heal, a charged assist, etc.) and requires the expenditure of CP. An active charge can also be expended to summon entities onto the Battlefield (entity summoning is explained in a later section of the rules).
Players can trade each other CP as a free action. However, attempting to combine multiple active charges together may require a multi-turn combination sequence to function (especially if the combined charge would be particularly strong), and the participating players and the “ritual” must be defended from enemies.
Entity Mechanics:
Entities are the NPC combatants of the Battlefield who serve the players or Simumodder directly. In addition to bodyguarding combatants, entities make the opposing team’s combatants more vulnerable, and serving as the target of most attacks. Each entity acts during the End of Turn Battle (or EoTB, for short), in a set order (usually it’s AG, Neutral, PG, and finally, the Simumodder). Summoned entities can be whatever the summoner desires: characters from pop culture, original creations, you name it! Regardless of origin, entities are defined by their stats and mechanics: HP, attack, Dodge, Armor, etc. The summoner is free to design their entities with whatever mechanics they wish, as long as they are balanced according to the power of the action or charge used to summon them. In general, entities are balanced by investing actions or CP into their stats - if you’re trying to summon a tanky 10-charge entity, you might give it 8 CP worth of health or defensive abilities and 2 CP worth of attack and offensive abilities, while a glass cannon might receive 3 CP worth of health or defensive abilities and 7 CP worth of attack or offensive abilities. More detailed notes on balancing specific stats are below, in the List of Useful Entity Stats and Mechanics. Putting more CP (passive or active) into an entity will make it stronger.
List of Useful Entity Mechanics:
While none of these stats are strictly required in an entity, they are still very useful and easily applicable.