Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)

Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
NOTE: This game is now concluded. It will be followed by the actual Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox session.

Welcome to my test session of Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox, a game I plan to run next August. The purpose of this session is to tweak the balance of certain mechanics that I plan on using in the main game. Due to certain time restrictions, this game will only last a few weeks at most. Still, if you want to have some fun, summon entities, or just play around with Sburb alchemy, this test session may still be for you! With that out of the way, let's begin.

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How to Play
To play, you have to post actions. You get three actions a turn, and you can spread your actions across multiple posts however you wish. For example, you can use all of their actions in one post or spread your actions across three posts. It's recommended that you delineate your actions so I can more easily track what you are trying to do. With that out of the way, here are some extra tips.

  1. As the title says, to win the game, you have to destroy the Godmodder. Well, as this is a test game, you'll have to destroy a weak simulation of the Godmodder known as the "Simumodder," or at least play the game enough that the moderators of this simulation have collected enough data.
  2. Don’t expect your attacks against the Simumodder to actually work. If you do want to damage him, you’ll need to get creative. Try thinking outside the box.
  3. Don’t expect to be able to spam the same action over and over and have it continue to be effective. The Simumodder has a nasty construct called the Curse of Repetitiveness that kicks in if you do so. You don't have to come up with a completely new attack every time you act, but at least try to vary the description or minutia of your attacks.
  4. You can also summon entities and charge. The specific rules for both are listed under the detailed rules section.
  5. You can set up a chain attack that is boosted by other players contributing to it. However, spamming chain attacks will lead to greatly diminishing results.
  6. Just like the Simumodder, you have a Health Vial. If you die, you must expend three actions to respawn, and you will be afflicted by “respawn sickness” for one turn after respawning.
  7. You can bring in sidekicks to assist you in your actions or to affect multiple areas of the Battlefield at once, but be warned - you and your sidekicks can only have a constant total health, so bringing in sidekicks will decrease your avatar’s total health. Just as with a player, if a sidekick dies, you must spend three actions to respawn them, and they will be afflicted with respawn sickness for a turn. If you have more than one sidekick and more than one of them dies, you can use three actions to respawn all of them at once.

Detailed Rules
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The Echeladder:
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Simumodder: [GM] HV: 10/10

Messages In This Thread
Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session) - by gutza1 - 12-23-2018, 07:45 PM