Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> "Should she be trying to summon dead folks willy-nilly? Don't you need a permit for that?"

[Image: qTUC1EV.png]

CLOVER: Like... D'you know what she's been up to??
AUBIN: Summoning familiars, it seems.
CLOVER: Not THAT part! I mean the freakin'...
NIMAH: ... She was trying to bring someone back from the dead. Wasn't she?
EFFY: That's what she said...
EFFY: Um... T-That's not something you can just do, right? It doesn't sound okay...
AUBIN: Necromancy is frowned upon, yes... particularly the weaponized variety thereof. Of course, I doubt that was her intention.

[Image: n6BgRv5.png]

NIMAH: And regardless of what views you may have on this... practice, no one would ever be allowed to return from the dead without a very compelling and certified reason!
NIMAH: So, no. It is not "something you can just do."
EFFY: Whoa...
CLOVER: Right! The point bein' she's just as shady as you are!

> Also, what's this about fellow longhorns? I don't see no horns, buddy.

[Image: t2NsIZ0.png]

AUBIN: ... May I ask where this is coming from?
CLOVER: Ughhh, come on! Why'd all you magical guys gotta be so annoyin' to talk to?! Ya ain't even got horns right now!
AUBIN: I thought we had already established that I DO usually have horns?
CLOVER: Yeah, well, dunno why you're dressin' all your junk up in fancy "longhorn" talk, MY horns didn't look very long.
AUBIN: ... Your horns??
CLOVER: And what're ya even writin' there, huh?!
AUBIN: Personal notes and observations.
AUBIN: Speaking of which, may I have a quick explanation of what exactly happened with Selena before my questions become unmanageable?
CLOVER: Ugh, I needed cash and--

[Image: qM4NZZN.png]

You are now Effy and you can't keep yourself from explaining in Clover's stead.

You don't really embellish any of the facts, you think. The birds looked kind of scary, and you helped, but Clo did most of the cool stuff. Speaking of cool, she looked really cool with her big demon wings! When you say that, she looks at you with a very red face, so you change the subject, surmising she'll only be more annoyed if you go on to talk about how boopable her nose looked.

You always kind of want to boop her nose, but when you told that to Clover, she screamed and told you not to mention it to anyone.

[Image: YlGSq3L.png]

AUBIN: I see. And so, you decided that the safest place to keep them is with you. A good choice, I am inclined to say.
CLOVER: Gah!! Why'd you just...?!
AUBIN: We ARE answering one another's questions, are we not?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 12-21-2018, 11:48 PM