Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [JINGLE BELLS INTENSIFY]

Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [JINGLE BELLS INTENSIFY]
RE: Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [Signups end December]
I'd like some art of my species, the pyronians and the skabels, as well as a species that I love as much as either that I've created, the kloegarbs!

I'd also like art of... well, any random chaotic character design you want! Just draw whatever species and themes come to mind. Like an extral with an oversized glittery wizard hat, a Coeus with a bright and shiny color scheme, or a boog with six heads all of different species, for example. Have fun with it!

EDIT: OH YEAH, NOW THAT CASH MONEY HAS BEEN ACCEPTED I'D LIKE ART OF HIM TOO. Since the dex art hasn't been accepted yet here's what he looks like.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [Signups end December] - by Babybowser101 - 11-28-2018, 03:21 AM