A Structured Cosmosdex/Fortuna Based RP Server

A Structured Cosmosdex/Fortuna Based RP Server
A Structured Cosmosdex/Fortuna Based RP Server
So, this is a (link to a discord) server that is basing itself on canon-ish (the ish meaning that there are multiple things that have to be improvised and some material that can make a 'common sense' leap is being utilized). It will not currently involve any fortuna trips, but there are plans to create one. Those plans may be in a separate 'section' due to the issue of timescale.

Anyway, the rules regarding how it works in function are maintained mostly by the people there.

The structured nature intends to try to stick better to canon than some and help ensure a more consequential series of events.

Are you interested? Do you want to know more? Do you have questions? Then follow the discord link.
Discord InviteShow
Are you not? Then carry on and have a wonderful day.

Note: The Discord Server does have a small precautionary feature in which you have to find a keyword in the rules to gain access to messaging and seeing most of the non-rule channels.
[Introduction Written By: Iron]
[Commentary By: Iron]
[Peer Reviewed By: Some of the wonderful people from the server]

Addendum Edit: The aforementioned discord server is currently in early stages of its life and some of the structure and such is up to change. Things are beginning to start some, but this is about the second day of its existence, literally speaking.

Messages In This Thread
A Structured Cosmosdex/Fortuna Based RP Server - by IronLionShark - 11-11-2018, 11:42 PM