Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [JINGLE BELLS INTENSIFY]

Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [JINGLE BELLS INTENSIFY]
Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [JINGLE BELLS INTENSIFY]
It's that time of year, and I'd like to introduce you to a tradition I used to partake in elsewhere, and kind of miss.
It's the
[Image: fortunatree.png]
But What Is A Christmas Tree Exchange?
It's simple! From now until December 1st, you can sign up and post a wishlist of things you'd like to recieve art of. Original characters, species you've made or just like, just straight up concepts you're a fan of, whatever. Preferably Fortuna themed. Then, up until December 25th, you'll make art for as many people that have signed up as you can, but not post them! Then once Christmas rolls around, I'll take everybody's submissions and compile a few posts to show off what's underneath each participant's digital tree

I don't think I can commit to making this much art...
The name of the game here is quantity, not quality. This doesn't mean to just, not try, of course. It means that simply making doodles for other is totally encouraged. And, honestly, if you can't do a ton, that's still fine. As long as you manage to get a few pieces out there, it's fine. Do as much as you feel comfortable doing.
On that note, doesn't have to just be drawn art. If you're a writer and feel like you can do little poems or vignettes, s'cool as well. If you're willing to create, you should be valid to be rewarded.

I'm worried I won't get much art
There's a solution to this, too! Over the course of December, I'll keep the thread updated with information about who is getting more or less art than others! This isn't to like, make people feel bad about how much they're getting, but just to highlight that maybe somebody is being missed, or somebody else has already gotten plenty of attention. Encourage people to make sure nobody's getting skipped over, and everybody gets at least a few nice things. And like, nobody's gonna stop you from making something for somebody who's already got a lot, if you really wanted to draw their character, but maybe while you're at it you can make a little something for somebody you hadn't thought of.

What should I do once I've drawn something?
Send it to me! I'm on Discord in the various Fortuna servers, and the Eagle Time server too. Otherwise, PM me on the site. If you forum PM me I'd prefer it if you'd gather your art in a single message to not hurt my inbox too much but I know how it is. Sometimes you think you're done and then you get the urge to make more. On Discord I have zero problems with you sending me pictures as soon as you're done them. I'll save them until December 25th when I can post them all at once.
I'm participating too, and if you're making a picture for me, you can send it instead to LoverIan on the forums here.

Well I'm convinced, sign me up!

Great! Last time I've participated there was a requirement that you would commit to at least five pictures, but I don't think I'll have that here. I think you should plan on trying to do at least three but y'know, it's the thought that's important.
Make a post in the thread with a wishlist of what you'd like. Format it however you think is best. For OCs having references is ideal, probably a little bit about their personality, feel free to expound in great detail if you think it's necessary. Maybe you'd just like to see your favorite species, or a species you made, in any context. If it can be found in the Cosmosdex, perhaps link the relevant page, for ease of access. Perhaps you'd just like to see certain themes, feel free to mention those! Something that you can say "yes this is specifically tied to what I would like" would probably be good, but it's your list. You do you.

in order of posted wishlists
  1. Fellow
  2. ShiningKatana
  3. CosmicClaxon
  4. Robust Laser
  5. Flandab
  6. Ten11
  7. SirBlizz98
  8. Gimeurcookie
  9. Dorsidwarf
  10. Fenny2
  11. Babybowser101
  12. sugarthekitty
  13. LoverIan
  14. potatocrisps(CW)
  15. Artem1s

Messages In This Thread
Fortuna Christmas Tree Exchange! [JINGLE BELLS INTENSIFY] - by Robust Laser - 11-10-2018, 10:07 AM