Notail class leader application

Notail class leader application
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the G leader

Their basic theme: The actor/director!

Similar to how actors are able to fill multiple roles, so does the G-class. This interpretation of the notail-loving G-44 would be a vlogger with intent on putting the millions of everyday G-class faces in the spotlight. Her content is relatable and mainstream, giving her ample opportunity to travel and learn trades while also making training videos for the G-classes cycling through the workforce. She's a huge morale booster (with a capture creature mascot to boot since that's something the G-classes can get really into. Similar to how some vloggers sell merchandise with their dog on it, this is something G-44 would promote after announcing, "I love you guys! I couldn't have done it without you!" at the end of her videos).

Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: G-44 has a sincere love of life and wants to spread that love to the other G-classes. While many get bogged down by experience, G-44 functions as a rare positive balance and continuously found more and more things to appreciate with every new person she encountered during her life as a G-class, from the cashiers to the electricians to the cameramen. It's super cheesy, but she wants that happy ending. The best way to fix your production when the ensemble falls behind is to become their director. (This lead her right into the forefront of producing propaganda.)

Any other interesting info you want to say about them: Traits like [Role Model] and [Photographic Memory] would be important to her character. G-44 would be someone with lots of "facebook" friends who keeps trying to balance her attention between them. She tries really hard to remember every face she meets, and every mask for that matter, and ends up organizing people into several archetypal categories, similar to how some actors have their "acting type" (ie. the wide-eyed heroes, the sidekicks, the comic relief, etc.).

EDIT: Possible fun fact depending on how her history develops: I imagine one reason she was able to get her leader application considered is by winning an online popularity contest when she worked as a publicities director. (This spawned from the idea that the largest class should have a popular leader.)

EDIT II: Secondary fun fact: if you're experiencing a downer, she probably has several-thousand inspirational quotes at the ready. Can't have inefficiently sad cogs, ya know. Quoting is a habit of hers. (aka Scripts and lines.)

EDIT III: JUST THOUGHT OF fun fact maybe??: another possibility for her backstory is that she came from a village with the theme of "literally everything's beautiful, wow" in an attempt to study how this affected a notail's rationality when they grew up. In this village, everyone's sweet, everything's made to be pretty-- sometimes it's almost too lovely. When G-44 left, instead of being shattered that not everything was as nice as her village, she internalized that everyone's (especially notails) got something beautiful and special inside if you look for it. (This trait would allow her to live life relatively grudge free, which she would accumulate a lot of thanks to the sheer number of people she's met... However, keep in mind, G-44's not as naive as you think.)

EDIT IV: BRAINSTORMED ANOTHER FUN FACT HOly moly... G-44 would totally be a method actor. Being a G-class makes this utmost convenient because they do so much and it's so varied.

EDIT V: Concept ref!
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[Image: hzso4Pf.png]

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