Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Effy: What was that Aubin just said? Something about a mold friend?

[Image: eM0eCom.png]

EFFY: Um...
EFFY: Mr. Aubin?
AUBIN: Again, no need for formalities, yes?
EFFY: R... Right! I was saying, um... I mean, I was going to ask... W-Who are you talking about?
EFFY: You mentioned, um, an “old friend”...

[Image: ptDJjpy.png]

AUBIN: Well, I did also say I see no reason to fear the aforementioned friend’s return. She IS long-dead.

[Image: rty7jMn.png]

AUBIN: ... Although, come to think of it, so are you. Not quite as long-dead, but still.
NIMAH: Oh... No, you’re... you’re most likely right. She would never be authorised to leave. The possibility scared me, but...
AUBIN & EFFY: “Authorised”?

> Clover: Your birds want attention. Give them head pats and tummy rubs.

[Image: SfE71cd.png]

AUBIN: Ah-- Are you having any trouble, Clover?
CLOVER: No! Shut up!!
AUBIN: ... Are you sure? I can’t imagine you have handled demonic familiars before, so I was wondering if I could offer any helpful advice, that’s all.
CLOVER: Ugh, go back to whatever you were talkin’ about!
AUBIN: Do let me know if you are not yet aware of their special dietary needs during blood moons.

> So how does this work, does Aubin need to be invited to your home before he can step in? Do you really want to invite a demon to your house?

[Image: V5OfJdP.gif]

AUBIN: But speaking of the unimaginable! Nimah, you simply must tell me what you mean.
AUBIN: If Ivra would not be “authorised”, I assume, to walk among the living, then I must assume that YOU are, and that there are rules governing this!
AUBIN: Not only that, but your mere presence before me has the most vast implications! Life after death has been one of the great unknowns ever since the dawn of mankind and now its mechanisms may be within my grasp!
EFFY: Um... Yeah! It... It’s all really cool, so... So let’s all talk about ourselves inside! L-Like we said earlier, right?
EFFY: W-Wait, do you need, um, a formal invitation, or...
AUBIN: No, no, you’re thinking of vampires.

[Image: NBz3hLP.gif]

CLOVER: Yeah, yeah, y’all got a lotta questions for each other...
CLOVER: Just take turns or somethin’. We’re gonna be at it all day no matter what, right?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 10-31-2018, 10:36 PM