Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Hellbirds: Detain interloper

[Image: D92nq6n.png]

Good thing you told them to stay put. They sound like they're ready to tear out the French dude's hair.

[Image: eGzKufr.png]

AUBIN: ... But?
NIMAH: You can hear them from here... Those creatures, behind the next house.
CLOVER: My place.

[Image: jiqUNWk.png]

NIMAH: Sabrina and Clover told me they found them a few days ago, and that they're connected to some sort of demon...
NIMAH: What... do you make of it?
AUBIN: Well...

[Image: U0h9dRY.png]

AUBIN: These creatures are familiars, indeed, bound to a demon. But, and I assume this is what you're worried about, they are not unique. In fact, they happen to be a popular choice for demons who want companions.
NIMAH: So you mean...

> Clover: Oh no, your birds have brought a bunch of useless junk they've gathered to try and curry your favor.

[Image: D0LZslx.png]

AUBIN: Exactly.
AUBIN: There is no need to fear the return of an old friend less savoury than I.
AUBIN: That IS what you were going to ask, yes?
NIMAH: ... Yes. Thank you.
NIMAH: I never realised before how... wordy you are.
AUBIN: I imagine I mustn't make a very good impression when I only know ten words in the only language my conversation partner speaks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 10-04-2018, 10:22 PM