The Ending

The Ending
The Ending

A Reckoning long delayed fast approaches.

On the checkboard planet, the carapaced forces of black and white clash. Soon a moment interrupted and reversed will come to pass once more, and the white king will die for real this time. This battle will determine the fate of the Earth, but it is not really the most important one.

High above, a lone girl waits. The gold color of her eyes match those of the hoodie she wears: soft golden threads earned from a resurrection, bearing an insignia of hope; her ears, like those of a cat, poke through the hood, and her body courses with powerful magic. She is a witch. There she awaits the arrival of that which she most fears. For sixty hours--more or less, there was some time travel involved--she has avoided him, but now she is the only one who can prevent him from interfering in the battle below.

You are Morgan. You were given this name about two days ago by one of the three friends you have ever had. You were completely alone the first sixteen years of your life. Except for him.

He arrives right on cue, as Jonathan predicted, just a few yards in front of you. His appearance is obscured by a dark cloak, the image of a crown projected above his head with light magic. Everyone has their own ways of referring to him: The Guardians called him The Elf King, your friends refer to him as "that jerk" or any one of a variety of expletives. To you, he will always be just...him.

He raised you and taught you everything you know. He tortured you for your entire life. And now here he is, in front of you again.

"There you are, girl." You don't say anything. He raises his head enough to see the red gleam in his eyes under the cloak's hood. The overwhelming pressure of his immense magical power washes over you; it's intimidating, but you're quite used to it. "Finally decided to stop hiding, did you?"
You don't respond; you have nothing to say and no power to say it. It was more of a rhetorical question anyway.
"You've grown much recently." He grins. It's sickening. "I is high time for a test." He opens one of his hands and summons a scimitar into it, holding it ready before him. "Go on. I'll let you take the first move. Let's see if you were worth all the trouble after all."

Phase one of the plan is to stall him. He must not interfere on Skaia until the others' task is finished. Then they will join you, and the plan can move on to the next phase. You draw your own weapons and prepare yourself; you have no real confidence but you have hope. No matter what happens, this battle promises to be a long one.



Party Status

[Image: z6PKZFt.png]

Morgan (Witch of Hope)
Uninjured | Unfatigued




Messages In This Thread
The Ending - by Xindaris - 09-29-2018, 01:28 AM
RE: The Ending - by Clownmask Clock - 09-29-2018, 02:55 AM
RE: The Ending - by Arcanuse - 09-29-2018, 03:32 AM
RE: The Ending - by Xindaris - 09-29-2018, 05:02 PM
RE: The Ending - by Clownmask Clock - 09-30-2018, 01:00 AM
RE: The Ending - by Arcanuse - 09-30-2018, 10:58 AM
RE: The Ending - by Xindaris - 10-03-2018, 01:09 AM
RE: The Ending - by Clownmask Clock - 10-03-2018, 08:44 PM