Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]

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Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition]
Taking the time to appreciate Seriba's immaculate surface, Lord Rack granted Craft applause. "No name could have been more aptly chosen. And what have we here?" He turned to notice Nash-Marr and soon congregated by the arrival with the other deities. He found the bugbear-werewolf-monster-facemauled-by-a-knife appearance frightening, but the supposedly new god's meekness had the Creativity god cast aside his worries for the time being, his own eyes taking the shine of a too-friendly uncle figure whose neighbors just had a baby.

"It is good to have you here, new friend! Indeed, you are a respected member of our ranks, and share with us the task of populating this universe. Already, we have gotten to work. Behold that which our elongate ally has poeticized: Esmeralda, the green sun, beautiful from afar- ah, one would not recommend too much proximity. The Atrium, this colorful ribbon like a banner of greeting to this system, now full of hidden treasure. Finally Seriba, a world of promise and endless possibility. You too can create works such as these or improve upon them. Begin to exercise your power, and soon, it will feel natural to you. If you thirst for ideas," He flipped another glass gourd of sparkling brew into existence, holding it out to Nash-Marr with a smile: "-then thirst no more." Not wanting to pressure the newcomer, he added for reassurance: "You need not drink it, young one, and may use it however you deem fit, be it for barter or decor. Consider it a welcome gift!"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition] - by Mythee - 03-20-2013, 02:11 PM