
RE: Elsewhere
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You sit in silence on the patch of dirt you woke up on, the weight of your predicament hanging heavy in the air. No food, no water, no power, no shelter, and no other members of your expedition team. Trapped on an uninhabited planet, at the far end of a Worldline Gate that's nowhere to be found. All you've got are the clothes on your back, and the custom ComPad in your jacket pocket.

Well, you suppose you've also got your Synth roommate Dee Dee here with you. They're typically pretty helpful. And heck, they're probably full of enough non-vital components that you could build something helpful out of them, if needed.

...you're not quite desperate enough to start cannibalizing your friend's limbs for scrap parts, though. That can wait a day or two. First, you've gotta figure out what happened to your supplies, and your teammates.

[2x1][Image: dex_talk.png] [|]
(08-26-2018, 02:39 PM)FlanDab Wrote: »"Could our stuff be... sent to the wrong world?"

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"I am not certain. I have reviewed what I know about our mission, as well as my extant understanding of travel through the Gate Network..."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_skeptical.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"...and?"[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"To my understanding, the Gate Keys which our team provided for the expedition should have connected us to a specific Worldline Gate. As the gate was opened between two fixed points, I cannot imagine how we could arrive at a different destination than our supplies. Our team should have arrived as a group, near a corresponding Gate found on this world. This is obviously not the case.

Owing to our unconsciousness during, and immediately after our Crossing, I am afraid I have no further information that may explain our present circumstances."
[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_frustrated.png] [|]
(08-26-2018, 02:39 PM)FlanDab Wrote: »"Great. We're stuck in the middle of not only nowhere, but a nowhere where we don't have a reference of how nowhere..."

(08-26-2018, 04:15 PM)Eve The Maxim Wrote: »"That said, let us not panic just yet. The supplies might be nearby, and the other members could've awakened before you. We can start worrying if, even after searching, we still cannot find anything, or anyone."
[|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

Sensible advice... but saying "don't panic" does nothing to change the fact that this is an extremely panic-worthy situation, far as you can tell. Your head's full of stories about castaways starving and going mad on undeveloped islands, back in the days when those still existed. And heck, this is worse than that, since this is a completely undeveloped planet. There might be no civilizations around for lightyears! Even with a top-of-the-line ComPad like yours, you can't exactly call somebody for a rescue when there's no civilization around, let alone a kindly pilot with a spacecraft.

This exciting adventure suddenly turned into the grim spaceage reboot of Gilligan's Island that nobody asked for. Though now that you think of it, nobody would ask for it, since you're one of the few people in this universe who even know what a "Gilligan's Island" is. Regardless, this situation is about as bad as that reboot would be.

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"You seem to be deep in thought, Dex. I presume you are preoccupied by concerns about our present circumstances?"[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_sass.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Figured that out all by yourself, huh Professor? Wow. And you didn't even need any coconuts."[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"This seems to be some form of sass directed at me. Sass that I lack the necessary context to understand."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_angry.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Look, what I'm saying is, of course I'm 'preoccupied!' I'm kinda trying not to freak out about being in an extremely dangerous Wilderness Survival type situation. One that neither of us even understand why we're in right now, let alone are prepared to handle. And you sitting here wondering how freaked out I am ain't exactly helping!"[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"I am sorry. I did not mean to upset you with my inquiry. I was simply concerned for you."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_side_eye.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex.png border=32]"..."[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"My motive in asking an obvious question was to initiate a conversation, wherein I would casually offer you a hug to console you.

...is that something you would like?"
[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_explain.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Okay, sure Robot. Initiate hug protocol."[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"AFFIRMATIVE. NOW INITIATING HUG PROTOCOL."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

You stand, dust the alien dirt off your bottom, and turn toward Dee Dee. They hold both arms open in a rigid T-Pose. A moment later, they start hobbling toward you with exaggerated mechanical steps you know they're doing intentionally. As the Synth proceeds to close their outstretched arms in a circle around your torso, awkwardly pressing your arms flat against your sides so you can't even hug them back, you have to fight off a grin.

They hold you like that for a moment, their metal frame unusually warm from standing around in the afternoon sun. You're not worried any less, but it is comforting. You relax a bit, and attempt to hug them back. With your arms trapped against you though, all you can manage is a tiny hug-pat with your free hands.

[2x1][Image: dex_nervous.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Sorry to snap at you. I'm kinda nervous, like you said."[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"I understand. Please realize that I share your concern. Both regarding the unknown reason for our present circumstances, and regarding the continued well-being of your woefully inefficient meat body."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_wry.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Tch... you don't have to worry. This meat body can take care of itself."[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"In that case, what advice does your meat body have for us, regarding it's continued survival?"[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

Dee Dee relaxes their arms and steps away from the hug. They resume a more natural posture than the robot caricature they were doing earlier, and look to you for a response. It helps your nerves that they're keeping their cool, right now.

[2x1][Image: dex_talk.png] [|]
(08-26-2018, 09:20 PM)Whimbrel Wrote: »"Ok, you can go...a week or two without food, right? But only three days without water? Yeah, that sounds right. So let's locate a source of water, and set up something to purify it. I mean, boiling and condensing it should work, right?"

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"You may not need to filter water, so long as it is running, and if the soil and water chemistry is non-toxic to you. It is also possible that microorganisms, if any exist on this world, may not affect your biology. You may not even need to sterilize the water by boiling."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_skeptical.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Even so, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Anyway, water's the priority for me, but how about you? We don't have any power packs or generators right now. You, uh, holding up okay?"[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"My internal power supply will provide energy for some time, if I do not exert myself. However, a loss of power to my body would not harm me permanently, the way dehydration or starvation would harm you. Thus, your water and caloric needs should be our priority."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

After Dee Dee finishes their latest reply, you stay silent for a moment. They're probably trying not to worry you, but back home they typically got charged every night. It's true that they can probably go a day or two longer without power, but... you haven't really checked the lifespan of their Power Packs in a long while. And you doubt you could carry them, if they ran out of juice.

[2x1][Image: dex_explain.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Sure thing. But let's keep an eye out for any supplies or friendlies anyway. Just in case they got here earlier with the supplies, like you said."[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"Then we are agreed. We search for water, and anything else as a secondary priority. But... how should we proceed? We could split up to cover more ground, and then..."[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_confident.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Nah, forget that and follow me. I've got an idea."[/box][/2x1]

You take one last look around your arrival site, just in case you missed anything obvious, before you turn to leave. Dee Dee follows closely behind, trusting you to know what you're doing, but likely curious as to your plan.

As you head away from the area, you see there's not much else near you, apart from more patches of bare earth like the one you arrived in, separated by a sea of various unfamiliar plants in shades of red, brown, and purple. The low hills around you are covered in curly ground cover and bushy ferns, dotted by shoulder-height stands of some bulbous, scaly-textured plants. Dotted here and there across the plains are bigger clusters of broad, dark, and knobby-trunked trees, topped with purple bursts of long grassy foliage. The larger plants tend to grow thicker in the low-lying areas between hills. However, you steer away from them, instead heading up the nearest slope, toward a higher elevation. After a few minutes of trekking, Dee Dee chimes in.

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"It is rather hard to accurately critique a plan you haven't shared with me, Dex, but shouldn't we be moving down hill rather than up?"[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_talk.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"What makes you say that,"[/box][/2x1]
...you say, panting a bit as you struggle against the steep terrain.

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"Water tends to flow downward. Thus, our odds of finding something to drink would be better if we traveled in that direction, correct?"[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_talk.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Sure sure, in a minute. But that's not what we're gonna do right now."[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"But what about our plan? What are we going to do?[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_confident.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/dex_left.png border=32]"Simple."[/box][/2x1]

You take the final few steps, cresting the hill you've been climbing for the last few minutes. It's not much of a hill, but it's open to the sky, and it's got a pretty clear view of the surroundings. You take a moment to catch your breath, then continue.

[2x1][Image: dex_explain.png] [|]
(08-27-2018, 10:58 AM)Numbers Wrote: »"Find the high ground..."

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/elsewhere/chat/base_right.png border=32]"...and?"[/box] [|] [Image: dee_dee_base.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: dex_yell.png] [|]
(08-27-2018, 10:58 AM)Numbers Wrote: »"And scream! Scream so whoever is with the stuff can find us!"

You belt that out as loud as you can, your voice ringing out across the plains. Dee Dee was taken aback by your outburst, but eventually takes the hint. After turning to face away from you, they start blasting synthesized air-horn noises, old-fashioned klaxxons, and even that awful alarm they woke you up with earlier. Thankfully, the sound is directional, so it doesn't completely deafen you. For a minute or so you trade off, taking deep breaths while Dee Dee blasts noise, then you shouting out to let your team know where you are. If they're there, of course.

After doing that for a bit, you start to feel a bit winded, and you motion for Dee Dee to stop as well. You listen closely, leaning into the silence for any sign of a response.

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You continue scanning the area around you, while Dee Dee does the same. You're about to try calling out again, but something in the distance catches your interest, and gives you pause. You wave quietly, to get Dee Dee's attention.

[box=#993399 border=2]1) You see something in the distance that might be helpful. What is it?

2) Choose one of the following:
> It's quite far away. What kind of terrain stands between you?
> Some obstacle or danger stands in your way. What is it?
> Something you can't see has noticed your presence. How do you know?

3) What do you do?

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(08-26-2018, 04:15 PM)Eve The Maxim Wrote: »> First off, Dex, make a mental not to work on your human traits because wow... when your best trait is 2 stars out of 5 means u got some work to do.

Hey now, be nice! Having a trait ranked at 0 or 1 Stars is average for most people, and 5 Stars is basically the vertical limit of human ability. Dex is a pretty sharp cookie when focused, and even dabbles in physical and social skills. Cut 'em some slack.

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RE: Elsewhere - by Eve The Maxim - 08-26-2018, 04:15 PM
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RE: Elsewhere - by Numbers - 08-27-2018, 10:58 AM
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