Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Clover, I think I see a vein bulging on your forehead. Is now really the time for a conniption?

[Image: WdIeiqN.png]

You are now Clover, and if you had any kind of meta-textual awareness that allowed you to read the words above you, you would be telling those words to get right the fuck out.

Of course Effy thinks she's not a kid. You thought you were hot shit when you were 13 too, but now that you are a mature 15-year-old, you know better. And even if she were older, that stuff she's saying? The implication that she understands what she's getting into in the slightest just because she's seen cartoons? Total freakin' nonsense garbage.

These thoughts run through your head not for the benefit of a hypothetical reader, but because god damn you're getting mad. Mad enough that you don't really give a shit about Effy giving you the puppy-dog eyes.

> Effy: How bad could training be, anyway? It's fun, probably!

[Image: gu9BCYD.png]

EFFY: I-I mean... It's fine, right?
EFFY: It's just training... I-It's practice! I bet it's gonna be fun! Heck, you're coming along, so... so how could it NOT be?
EFFY: And... And maybe you'll learn things too! It doesn't have to be magic, but what if we were like... partners? Guardian partners! Like Doki-chan and Yuriko--

[Image: OCGvaZU.png]

CLOVER: For fuck's SAKE, Effy, shut up!
CLOVER: You hearin' yourself? Or are ya just that stupid?
CLOVER: I don't KNOW what all this garbage's about, but look--
AUBIN: Ahem.

[Image: U4fMNoH.png]

AUBIN: Shall we go back to the introductions and discuss this later?
AUBIN: Perhaps once we've all sat down in the comfort of... Effy's home?
NIMAH: ... Yes. We're almost there, if I'm not mistaken.
AUBIN: Wonderful. Now, as I said, you may call me Aubin! But if I were to extend this introduction...

[Image: yjmpVpQ.png]

AUBIN: I could tell you that I am a thinker, a writer and a scholar! A historian in some sense of the word, but only in that my desire to know more about the world we live in has led me to ponder upon our past. Indeed, there are few things I love more than the pursuit of knowledge. The pursuit of justice may be a close second...
CLOVER: Nobody asked for this.
EFFY: ...
AUBIN: As for "what I am" if not a human, as you put it, Effy, I suppose you could quite generically call me a demon.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 08-31-2018, 07:59 PM