RE: Wintergreen
03-17-2013, 04:22 AM
Scissors are the devil .___. They bend the paper. I use a scalpel! :>
Jointed paper dolls are fun to make, but i have yet to work out a good way to keep the joints together short of making my split pins that aren't as obnoxiously large as the ones you can buy here, since i generally work pretty small. Something to look into anyway, because they'd be pretty useful for making animations i think.
Thank you for all the positive feedback, guys!
Jointed paper dolls are fun to make, but i have yet to work out a good way to keep the joints together short of making my split pins that aren't as obnoxiously large as the ones you can buy here, since i generally work pretty small. Something to look into anyway, because they'd be pretty useful for making animations i think.
Thank you for all the positive feedback, guys!