Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
[Image: AMrYIqR.png]

AUBIN: That may be true, but those were different times. Worse times, I would not hesitate to say.
AUBIN: I understand and respect your traditions, but today, thankfully, it is much more common to allow children to be children.
NIMAH: ... Aubin...
NIMAH: It's not as if she's supposed to do this in earnest straight away. There's training to be done, and no harm in beginning early.
NIMAH: This is how it has to be.

[Image: 2opv6m6.png]

AUBIN: Because tradition dictates it?
AUBIN: Tell me, has it been left unguarded?
NIMAH: There is no one currently at the location. Nobody has tried to enter it for years, so it has been decided that surveillance from a distance should be enough for now.
AUBIN: ...
AUBIN: Setting aside the many questions that this raises - for now - what is the problem with letting the situation remain as it is for a little longer, then?
NIMAH: ... It's not ideal!

> Effy, try and look tough.

[Image: RAlrJbn.png]

EFFY: I-I get what you're saying, but I'm sure it's fine! I'm not a kid anymore!
EFFY: Besides, I really want to do this! This stuff might be new to me, um, in "real life", but I've read all sorts of stories about fighting evil!
EFFY: And! And besides, I can already do SOME magic, even without training! So I DO get training, I'll be ready in no time!
EFFY: Right, Clo?

>Clover: Is it the right time, though?

[Image: 6MWTAPx.png]

EFFY: ... Clo?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 08-11-2018, 10:03 PM