Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
09-13-2011, 03:42 AM
[background=black]But then when everyone least expected it, COUNT AESOME THE AWESOME came from the veil and he was not dead he had just been saving the universe again with his super awesome powers of awesome.
Then he saw that the awesome who was really more like THE DUMB had ended the battle but count awesome hadn't won so that didn't make sense. count Awesmoe went to macula's home dimension and stabbed him and set him on fire with his sword which was made of fire and magic. so macula was dead and then count awesome was the real winner of the grand battle
But the dumb was all like "no you didn't win you left in the middle that's cheating"
"Well i am count Awesome The awesome and i am more powerful than you because my power level is OVAR NINE MILLION (lol get it) and then he took his sword and his gun and they trasnformed into a giant robot dragon which count awesome the awesome could control with his mind and it had every power possible except the stupid ones like being allergic to garlic because that's stupid
so then the dumb said "okay okay you win"
But Count awesome the Awsome said "nope you call yourself the awesome but that is who i am so i can't let you live now die"
and then the giant dragon used all of its powers at the same time on "the Awesome" and he died so count awesome was the only one left from the battle
So count awesome decided that he would run his own battle and so he became the next grandmaster (his name was still Count awesome The Awesome though don't worry)
THE EDN[/backgronud]
Then he saw that the awesome who was really more like THE DUMB had ended the battle but count awesome hadn't won so that didn't make sense. count Awesmoe went to macula's home dimension and stabbed him and set him on fire with his sword which was made of fire and magic. so macula was dead and then count awesome was the real winner of the grand battle
But the dumb was all like "no you didn't win you left in the middle that's cheating"
"Well i am count Awesome The awesome and i am more powerful than you because my power level is OVAR NINE MILLION (lol get it) and then he took his sword and his gun and they trasnformed into a giant robot dragon which count awesome the awesome could control with his mind and it had every power possible except the stupid ones like being allergic to garlic because that's stupid
so then the dumb said "okay okay you win"
But Count awesome the Awsome said "nope you call yourself the awesome but that is who i am so i can't let you live now die"
and then the giant dragon used all of its powers at the same time on "the Awesome" and he died so count awesome was the only one left from the battle
So count awesome decided that he would run his own battle and so he became the next grandmaster (his name was still Count awesome The Awesome though don't worry)
THE EDN[/backgronud]