The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)

The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
[Felt managed to finally pry the door open (she had been considering kicking the door open, but that kinda failed). It was..kinda dark actually. But there was no angry, carnivorous monster noises, so that was good! She took a few steps closer, wishing had brought a flashli-oh god what did she just step in its blood isn't it. Upon closer inspection she finds both that yep, blood, and two, that the room is full of very sick looking notails. Her first thought is that they are all very, VERY dead, but she hesitantly checks one of them for a pulse and finds that they're all mostly alive.]

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - by RanaKat - 08-10-2018, 07:33 PM