[Genre Split] - A Modded Textuna Fanadventure

[Genre Split] - A Modded Textuna Fanadventure
[Genre Split] - A Modded Textuna Fanadventure

Okay, so I just need to explain one thing before getting into the meat of this thing that I have no idea how to do. That being that I originally started writing this fanadventure back at the beginning of April but never got around to posting it here. Keeping that in mind, I had gone through a few suggestions back in April, so character creation just finished, and the game is just about to start. I apologize that you don't get control over any of that sort of stuff, but hopefully that won't detract too much from your enjoyment of this... thing.

With that being said, I present to you my fortuna fanadventure!

You boot up Fortuna, the game that’s been filling up every crack of your freetime for a while now. Honestly you can’t even remember a time when you didn’t have Fortuna in your life. It’s been so great, getting to have something that you can actually obsess over with other people, especially since you were able to get one of your real life friends into it, although they have yet to get that far in it. It just brings you so much joy, and can at times be hilarious, or, even dare you say it, emotional. As such, you decided that such a great game deserved to be even better, and what better way to improve it than with mods! You had so much fun picking out all of the mods, some of them even getting you to burst into laughter from the absurdity of them.

You had already played through the tutorial to make sure the mods wouldn’t crash the game, and thankfully it didn’t. You didn’t really get to experience many of the mods with the tutorial, it being so short, but it was probably better that way, so you see if any of them left any lasting effects on your crew when they didn’t just have two planets before Fortuna. You go to “Settings” option to review what mods you have in place.

There was the “Genre Pack”, a modpack filled to the brim with different mods that in some way or another changed Fortuna to mimic another style of game. Some of them were drastic, changing a lot of the gameplay, but others just added in some extra features every now and again. The genre pack itself helped to make sure they didn’t interfere with each other by having only one major one active at a time, but allowing some of the smaller ones that were compatible with the majority of the rest active most of the time. From what you read online this could have some absurd results, with having to rhythm games in the middle of a turn based strategy game, and having a dating sim while being attacked by a clockwork.

Next you had “Who Needs Character Creation Anyway!?” mod. It was very aptly named as it took out the majority of character creation at the beginning of the game, giving you only one character to make, giving you limited amounts of things to choose for each character, or, in the most extreme cases, giving you a single character for the entire crew. This led to some funny shenanigans apparently, with a single crew member getting stuck with a Selene AI.

You also had the “Hybrids for Everyone” mod, which made the chances of having more hybrids after a successful game of Fortuna higher, and allowed you to select more hybrids for your crew initially.

“The Rejecteds” was also a mod that you had decided to pick up, which gave a higher chance for encountering more hated species or AIs, such as Humans or Prometheuses. It also increases your chances of finding an Janus ship.

“Activator” was a mod that told you when a mod directly affected your game, and listed the name of the mod. You mainly installed this one so that if you didn’t like what a mod did, you could clearly pinpoint which one it was so you wouldn’t have to go searching through the list for the right one, reading every, single, one’s description.

You had other mods as well, but you didn’t care to read further down the list, plus, you had already looked over all of these mods when you were downloading them, so this was really just a refresher of the main ones that you would probably be seeing. You clicked the “Use all” button above the list, and they all became active. Clicking back to the home screen instantly revealed the extent of the mods. The home screen flipped from one version of it to another, and the activator was almost constantly telling you that the Genre Pack was doing things, in the top right corner.

The screen flicked from the normal one, to one that was brightly colored with a strip of bouncing eighth notes that pulsed to the beat of the ambient menu music while they scrolled by. Then came the fluffy, pastel pink, dating sim menu, with spinning hearts floating down in the background, as cheerful music played. There was one with a gritty, realistic picture, that was filled with shadows, and emphasized by the options being shoved to the right hand side of the screen. One had simply a tenebrous ship cabin, with the fading fluorescent lights flickering, with an AI shell there one flash, but gone only a moment later. One became pixelated, with a few popular AIs in all their pixel-y gloriousness posing, as the bobbed up and down. More of such screens came and went, all only existing for a couple of moments before being replaced.

With the mods seeming to be working, all that was left to do was actually start.

Well, nothing like the present moment, time to get this party started! You click the “New Game” option, ending the seemingly endless cycle of different home screens. You’re taken to the normal ship and AI select screen, except when you hover over one of the options you are presented with a visual that sits in between the two columns of options. The visual changes from a floating three dimensional model that spins, to a surprisingly detailed pixelated version, to many other styles of design, yet all of them very clearly resemble the same ship.
When you hover over one of the AIs, a similar thing happens, yet you are treated to a much larger variety of different designs. Like the ships the AIs have 3D models of them, and pixelated versions, but they also have pictures that look to be straight out of a cartoon, and some that look like little 2D platformers or beat ‘em ups, along with many others. But besides the style shifts, the appearance of the AIs change, seeming to be showing off the many generations of some, and the wide variety of appearances for others.

As for the choices of the ships you had, it seemed you had the choice of picking from a typical Hermes, or Apollo ship, an Artemis ship, a Mors ship if you felt like adding even more randomness to your game, an Athena ship, a Nike ship, and a Nyx ship for some reason, you really had no idea why the game would offer you a ship as infamously horrible as that, but whatever.

For the AIs you could choose from having a Somnus, a Selene, a Nike, a Kratos, a Hemera, and a Cupid. Sort of a strange assortment, but really what else were you expecting? These mods that you added were supposed to spice things up, and seemed to be delivering.

Well there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you should pick the Selene AI, but you were split between getting the Mors ship or the Nike ship. After a bit of deliberation you finally decide in favor of the Mors ship, as the Nike was probably going to just be too flimsy if you ran into anything nasty right out of the gate. Plus, the Mors would add more randomness to your already unpredictable game. You select both and when you have confirmed your choices you are sent into a slightly different character creation screen.

The first thing you notice is that there are only two crew members, one that Fortuna would create for you, and the other that you would be able to make. The Activator helpfully told you that this circumstance was thanks to the “Who Needs Character Creation” mod, as if you couldn’t figure that out yourself. Each crew member had the basic name, species, and job columns like Fortuna always provided on the first screen. This time though, they also had a “genre speciality” column, along with a box next to your customizable character’s name that appeared that it could be checked.

If you hover your mouse over the box, it asks you if you would like to allow Fortuna to extrapolate from what you give it now to add to the character sheet if the genre of game needs more stats or data. If you don’t check it, it seems likely that you’ll either have to do a whole lot more steps when creating your character now, or when the data is needed it’ll pull you out of your game to fill it in.

You decide to think that over while you create your crew member. You select the only crew member that you can customize, and are presented with a bit different version of the character create screen than normal. The screen, like always, allows you to input three blue traits, two or three red traits, and two or three green traits, along with the crew member’s name, pronouns, species, job, and backstory, as well as distributing the 26 stat points to the usual six stats. You could also pick the colors of the crew member if the species you chose had a variation in colors that they could appear as. But along with all of this information, you also needed to put in a genre of game. This was likely what genre they would fit with the best, but you could also just put in something random.

It looked like all you had left to do was actually create your character and choose if you wanted to check the box or not.

You decide to check the box, no way were you going to do more character creation than you already have to. For what you have to do though, you decided to make the captain, you aren’t going to entrust Fortuna with making one for you, if she would even make one at all. You fill in all of the spaces on the sheet so that when you finish it appears as such:

Name: Eso
Pronouns: They
Species: Kaikian (hexeyes muikian)
Job: Captain
Red: [Unnerving] [Mute by Choice] [Unforgiving]
Blue: [Enjoys cats] [Artist] [Loyal]
Green: [Persuasive] [Knowledge of Chaos] [Multitasker]
Stats: Str: 3; Int: 7; Char: 5; End: 5; Agl: 4; Luck: 2

Yep, this is the character you made, this is what’s going to make up half of your crew, wonderful. You try and add a purple and yellow trait, but Fortuna accepts neither of them. Oh well, maybe it’s for the best, this character already seems a bit... strange. You set the genre specialty to the first thing that pops into your head, a first person shooter. After you finish the character off you’re taken to the last screen of setup.

All you need to do now is choose which character to start with out of the two available to you, the planet total not being available to edit because of your ship choice.

Messages In This Thread
[Genre Split] - A Modded Textuna Fanadventure - by bappitybapcat - 08-02-2018, 03:57 PM