Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever

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Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever
RE: Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever
Oh my god the glasses trick? pffffffffffhahahahahahahahahafuck

You don't do anything. Part of the reason Supers take such mundane roles as their secret identities is nobody's ever going to believe anyone if they figure it out; on top of that, you have neither type of power and he has both, reinforcing other peoples' lack of belief. ALSO he can basically hold the lives of every child in this building hostage if anyone does take you seriously. Plus, what, are you going to call out the Doc to his face? yeah im sure that plan would go over super great

What you do is end this meeting amicably and professionally. You bury the knowledge deep within the recesses of your mind - bearing in mind that you could still be wrong about this whole identity thing - until you're in a position to do anything about it.

And, hey, taking him up on his offer might not be so bad. Persons of immoral means near-always have more resources at their disposal than those of moral means (I mean come on we were just talking about the exploitation of native Americans not a half-hour ago); even if you disagree with their ideologies it'd be a huge jump forward for you and your work. Bonus points if you can double-agent their asses.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity however you look at it. Don't dismiss it off the bat just because the dude's evil. An' hey, you can always use evil to do good if y'want, so long as you're clever about it. I dunno. Are you particularly clever, at all?

Oh but if he or his ladyfriend are psychic you're basically already screwed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever - by Not The Author - 03-15-2013, 11:10 PM