Bilfred Baker's Marvelous Bookshop

Bilfred Baker's Marvelous Bookshop
Bilfred Baker's Marvelous Bookshop

You enter Bilfred Baker's Marvelous Bookshop.

The shelves are stuffed, bulging, and many of the things they're stuffed with are simply piles of paper haphazardly clipped together. More books and papers fill any empty space; it looks hard to walk in here.

Bilfred Baker sits behind a desk covered with more stacks of papers, several lumpy ceramic jars filled with pens and pencils, and a single gently spinning globe. He is a wrinkled man with unruly gray hair and a drooping mustache.

"What're you looking for?" he asks.

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Bilfred Baker's Marvelous Bookshop - by Our Lady of Lampreys - 08-10-2018, 03:23 AM