The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)

The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
[[Now that I think about Tonya's wish when she gets to Fortuna and her general thoughts. Maybe? She isn't a furry right now since she doesn't actually want to be an animal or a pet or anything. The costume would essentially be putting some substance on her bones to make her seem like she actually has muscles and living bits. She'd likely wear a jump suit, some gloves, a kickass belt, and attempt to punch things really hard only to break her entire arm afterwards.]]

Tonya feels like she's been walking for forever for whatever reason. She hopes her crews doing ok, which they should be of course, they are her crew.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - by DudebroV1 - 07-09-2018, 07:42 PM