Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> François-Marie d'Arouet

[Image: dN0bI1E.gif]

Haha, what? No.

???: Beauregard. Aubin Beauregard. Or, of course, simply Aubin. Friends of an old, dear friend have no need for such formalities!

[Image: 82zLY5V.png]

NIMAH: Wait... That isn't...
AUBIN: The name you know me by? I know.
AUBIN: But you know me, do you not? My fondness for mingling with humans is as healthy as ever!
AUBIN: ... Not to mention, a change of pace is nice from time to time.

[Image: MSXwjT5.png]

AUBIN: But! These are topics that are perhaps not the best fit for a place like this. If I may suggest...
CLOVER: (Psst.)
EFFY: Wh... (What?)
CLOVER: (This dude is shady as fuck, is what!)
EFFY: (Huh? No, he isn't... He looks like... like a librarian, or, ooh, maybe a cool historian, or...?)
CLOVER: (Effy, for cryin' out loud, did ya even HEAR him basically say he ain't human--)
NIMAH: Oh, of course! Would that be alright with you two?

[Image: tsYp7aM.png]

NIMAH: His suggestion. Is that alright?
AUBIN: You have your ice cream, I have my... new attempt at a coffee, and we can have a chat on our way out?
CLOVER: WHAT?? Look, man, maybe she knows ya, but we don't, and I don't see why we gotta let ya just tag along like we're--
AUBIN: My treat.
AUBIN: That IS how you say it, isn't it? I will treat you to the ice cream. My treat.

[Image: 6hQcDrW.png]

The irascible young lady has been successfully persuaded by the idea of savings.

You have the feeling you have as many questions to ask as they do. What an interesting turn this trip has taken!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 07-05-2018, 08:34 PM