The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)

The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
Tonya feels like this collection of small items has a story to tell much like the last one, but does have time to figure it out. She happily grabs the Small Gem and pockets it to potentially sell or something later.

She then looks over some of the other stuff with curiousity. She picks up the Memory Erasure Device and gives it a once over before putting it back and writting it down on her inventory report. "This... Can't be Legal.", Tonya says to herself, concerned before moving onto the next item.

Tonya finds this small robotic cat body neat. Maybe this could be Thalia's back up shell incase her current one breaks? Tonya shrugs and notes it down. She'll ask about it later and if not, they could always break it down for parts or sell it off.

Finally, Tonya decides to pick up the old fish pattern jacket and give it a once over. Tonya thought it was pretty neat and was tempted to wear it, but it didn't have that air of coolness to it. Tonya perfered things she could show off, but this just seemed too laid back to her. She folds it and places it neatly in storage.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - by DudebroV1 - 06-28-2018, 07:15 PM