The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)

The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
(06-27-2018, 07:36 PM)DudebroV1 Wrote: »[[ Do I need to roll luck or anything for finding rooms or can Indigo and Felt just find them on their own? I'm sure Tonya has explored around the ship at least a little, but she's mostly dealt with piloting the ship and hanging out in her own private room.]]

[[ P.S Tonya is terrified of all rodents. Including Honkits. ]]

((No roll needed, they can prob find the rooms themselves))

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - by RanaKat - 06-27-2018, 07:37 PM