The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)

The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually)
[Felt turns towards Tonya, not noticing the Oomn due to her [High Senses] currently being disabled.]
[``What kind of freak out was that?? Maybe its for the best I'm coming along- that AI might have faulty wiring, to react so strongly...I haven't seen anything like it...``]
[The rest of whatever she was saying drifted off into mumbling about 'faulty cores' and 'burnt out wires']

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - by RanaKat - 06-26-2018, 06:28 PM