The First Meeting: A Short Adventure

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The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
You go to talk to the green humanoid!

[Image: KP5rN30.png]

SIKSOK: Hey, do you know about Fru--
ARILOU: We are only here to observe our clever child, Zoq. Your species is of no interest to us.

Okay, that was pretty clear. Maybe the Captain will be--

[Image: t4s2fur.gif]

-- totally distracted by all these pheromones and psychics stinking up the air! Jeeze!

[Image: egt3Hrl.png]

Well then, it's up to you to say hi to... THESE GUYS!

SUPOX: Oh, Utwig friend, your Mask of Ambassadorial Joy And Honor is tilting a little.
UTWIG: Thank you for your help, Supox friend! I would hate to look uncultured in front of all these aliens--
SIKSOK: HEY THERE! What are you guys? Have you ever heard of Frungy?

They stare at you, and you stare back.

Messages In This Thread
The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - by Alana - 03-12-2013, 11:26 PM
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - by Alana - 03-13-2013, 02:00 AM
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - by btp - 03-13-2013, 02:49 PM