Eagle Tim (collaborative adventure)

Eagle Tim (collaborative adventure)
RE: Eagle Tim (collaborative adventure)
(06-21-2018, 07:50 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »The rules for Sportball are simple. There's a big bucket of balls with the names of various sports written in them, and the referee pulls one out at random to decide what sport is played next. The sport changes whenever someone gets a point.
Ah yes! Big spooky referee Hawk Spacey (no relations to that other slimeball with the identical surname). He's so scary and powerful, he has psychic powers, water powers, lightning powers, darkness powers, powers over time, he can teleport and he probably also breathes fire.
[Image: Kqit0nY.png]
(06-21-2018, 07:50 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Of course, the hard part is that you don't know what any of the sports are until the game actually starts. Also you're bad at pretty much every sport.
[Image: Vv9HbM7.png]
You suck more cocks at sport than your mother does... In HELL.
(06-22-2018, 05:03 PM)The Just Writer Wrote: »>Last year, Falcon Jones some joker replaced about a third of the balls with Calvinballs.
Spoiler due to obnoxious flashback colours.
What a jerk. But you can't prove a darn tootin' thing.
(06-22-2018, 04:59 AM)Bobert Wrote: »> Many of the sports aren't even restricted to present day sports but also weird and archaic sports from the past and even weirder, futuristic sports from the year 9010.
[Image: 0Yts9Fl.png]
There is this particular weird sport from the future you're baffled by. Eru-Kara-Koroth-Al. It is so fucking weird???
(06-22-2018, 05:27 PM)Thalia V1 Wrote: »You bash eachother with sticks, but you’re all inside zorb balls.
[Image: Yh7Dm8J.png]
Allegedly, from what you heard. Those are the rules for playing Eru-Kara-Koroth-Al. What even is a zorb ball? Do you have to be hopped up on goofballs to be inside one of those???????

Messages In This Thread
Eagle Tim (collaborative adventure) - by Infrared - 06-15-2018, 05:06 AM
RE: Eagle Tim (collaborative adventure) - by Electrum - 06-23-2018, 12:50 PM