shitposting shantytown

shitposting shantytown
RE: shitposting shantytown
(03-12-2013, 10:48 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »
(03-12-2013, 10:45 PM)Loather Wrote: »This thread sucks. Feet sucks. FARTfeild sucks/

your fatherpops

Oh my God. 1st, if the idea bothered you so much, why did you even "grace" this thread with your time spent posting your latest fit?i
2nd, We all recognize the subject's weight, meaning, history and relevance, you don't A) Know any of us and B) have the right to deliver such a poor ad hominem, strawman argument like your's, GUY; JOHN 8:7, SON, "Let he who is WITHOUT SIN BE THE FIRST TO CAST A STONE." If I'm assuming correctly, you saw this thread because you were in the NSFW forum, so your whites probably aren't so snow white, FRIEND, and don't give me the "washed clean in the blood of the Saviour" verse MATE, because I know the bible, backwards & forwards, Pre- & Post-Nicene Council versions. I was RAISED CATHOLIC. I will school you in scripture, which I chose to be my opening because of how CLUSTERED your signature is with it. OH SWEET CELESTIA your signature sent me over the edge. I was gonna let this go, remembering rules 11-15, 19 & 20 of the internet, but MY LORD your signature infuriated me. (If you're unfamiliar with them, here; Check out rules 6, 38, and 42, BUDDY.) The founding fathers? DEISTS. Arguably a SECT of Christianity ( but ACKNOWLEDGED BY MANY AS A SEPARATE FAITH (similar in that regard to Mormonism). All of those faith based quotes? ALL PRESIDENTS PANDER TO THE MAJORITY (and we all know very well know anything can be taken out of context and distorted as seen fit, heaven forbid time interrupt it's interpretation). Hm, what was the American faith majority for nearly two centuries? Oh, right CHRISTIANITY.
I love this country, (can't stand it's broken bureaucratic system, wish we still had the Glass-Steagall act, but w/e) and it's wonderful freedoms, but "Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins," (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.) PAL. Comprehend? Allow me to simplify the idea for you. Your freedoms? (Which I'M SURE you were just ITCHING to cite) Those are cut off at the line crossed when you do harm (OF ANY KIND) to a person. My admin TheWhipHand, here seems pretty hurt by your ARROGANT and ANGRY, UNINVITED post. (That's right, Pre-Law, world ethics major, CHUM). We are assured in this beautiful nation (with NO ESTABLISHED NATIONAL RELIGION) that WE as WELL have the right to freedom of expression WITHOUT JUDGMENT OR PERSECUTION, which YOU MUST KNOW since you have SO MANY STATISTICS AND QUOTES AND PATRIOTIC IMAGES IN YOUR SIGNTURE.
SO, before I take immediate disciplinary action, I ask you AT LEAST redact your post, PREFERABLY write a SINCERE apology to THE THREAD AS A WHOLE and, of course TheWhipHand, and if not CHANGE your signature (because, [finally] C) you bear no right to spread the words of the bravest men to ever walk this land, in your name, or the name of your faith; someone as quick to judge without any sound reasoning is unworthy of being mentioned in the same breathe as the giants of this nation) provide the option to HIDE it.
AFTER WHICH, I will forget this ever happened. You will NEVER post on this or any of the involved party's (all who posted in this thread) current, past or future threads, (though feel free to lurk our thread, HYPOCRITE- sorry, that was rude) and the world can spin on as it always does. How's that sound?
You know what? Strike that.
Yes, you will comply with the terms, or no.
Those are your options. and I ONLY want to see a YES or NO reply, within the next 48 HOURS, or I will consider it a FULL DENIAL of my offer, resulting, of course, in my swift judicious action(Which, could be over stepping a line but, quod est necessarium est licitum [that which is necessary is legal, a constitutional stipulation]).
IF any of my fellow threadmates feel I've crossed a line, PLEASE state as such and I will not only apologize, /b/ut delete this post.
Otherwise, I take it as a seal of approval.
Have a lovely, freedom filled day, MRGUY, that I have SPILT /B/LOOD for, as have my grandfather, uncles, and cousins.
Thank you for your time.

TL;DR This is an A to B thread, C yourself out of it before D and E have to F you up.
Oh, and fuck you.

Messages In This Thread
shitposting shantytown - by OTTO - 05-01-2009, 03:21 PM