Webcomic Deer Rectory

Webcomic Deer Rectory
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Dang so many good webcomic things already mentioned (thanks everyone in thread for linking ones I wasn't aware of yet - kiwisbybeat, sakana, monsterkind and VIBE getting special mention there), what's left...

Actually quite a few! Though I'm sure some will be more well known than others I'll take it from the top (of my lengthy webcomics bookmark tab). I apologize prematurely for the inundation of recommendations but I'm limiting it to things I think are absolutely excellent enough to deserve a read - there's more than one webcomic I follow purely out of the obligation that comes with having followed 'em for so long but I won't be listing any of those here! So if it seems like I'm trotting out the glowing recommendations a bit too frequently it's because I'm only listing the comics I'd give glowing recommendations to Happymelon

(All links are to the first page/hinewreaders of their respective comics since clicking through to the most recent page can sometimes be somewhat spoilertastic)

Girl Genius is excellent in pretty much every way. Probably the most senior of the webcomics I'm mentioning here, it has over a decade of backlog. Don't let that put you off, though: the characters are excellent, the art is great and the writing yeah I'm running out of synonyms for excellent here and I could go on. The first year or three of the story even got a complete revamp a year or two ago to bring them up to snuff with their current quality standard! Which is why it's up there with Gunnerkrigg/Nimona in my list o' comics.

Also up there (and honestly you probably already know about it but hey it hasn't been mentioned yet) is The Adventures of Dr. McNinja. The New Readers page (linked) pretty much sums it up.

O Human Star started about a year ago and is thus a relative newcomer (only a bit into its third chapter). That doesn't make it any less superb. The hook is that "Alastair Sterling was the inventor who sparked the robot revolution. And because of his sudden death, he didn’t see any of it. Until he wakes up 16 years later in an advanced robotic body that matches his old one exactly.", and it doesn't get any less interesting after that. So far it's been big on the character development, less on the intrigue - which I'd say makes it stand out quite a bit from some of the more story-driven narratives out there. And it's all impeccably drawn and written.

Bad Machinery is another webcomic I'm not going to get into too much detail about because I'm pretty sure most people have seen John Allison's work around before. Bad Machinery is his latest effort and is a collection of wonderfully written tales of a group of kids and the hijinks they get up to while growing up - with a twist of the supernatural and MYSTERY SOLVING.

alright I think that's enough for now okay wait one more which upon binging on all of it again recently I'd have to say might be my all-time favorite webcomic

Dead Winter is amazing. The art has improved drastically in the 6 years it's been around, and it was already pretty great to begin with - and don't get me started on the writing and storytelling. You might tell me you're done reading stories even tangentially related to zombies. I can tell you that if you haven't read Dead Winter you sure as hell aren't yet.

yaaaaay webcomics

Messages In This Thread
Webcomic Deer Rectory - by OTTO - 05-02-2009, 05:31 AM