The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.6: UNEARTH!

The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.6: UNEARTH!
RE: The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week 2: GHOST! ooOOOooo
Username: Missing in action, presumed dead
Name: Gerald Silver
Species: Human-Form Psychic Manifestation (Former imaginary friend)
Gender: Masculine personality; was not imagined with matching organs
Text Color: 638 nanometers

Biography: Gerald Silver started 'life' as the imaginary friend of a psychically powerful young boy named Robert. Given the boy's propensity for warping reality into a knot, it was entirely unsurprising that Gerald began to take on an existence partially independent of Robert's imagination. The two were inseparable, proceeding to go on several adventures across the wild expanse of Robert's back yard, fighting ninjas, boarding alien pirate ships, and engaging in other bizarre adventures.

Then Robert died at the age of twelve, as one of his imagined adventures tragically proved all too real, and a ninja T-rex blasted him with a ray gun. In an instant, the myriad worlds Robert had constructed collapsed; starships in orbit of alien worlds self-destructed, pirate towns ceased to be, entire species of dinosaurs vanished from existence, and Gerald almost faded from existence himself. Instead, the sheer amount of time Robert spent dreaming Gerald into existence allowed him to exist independently of his creator, and he 'merely' found himself doomed to eternally roam a world he was only barely able to interact with.

The only good part about this whole mess, is that Gerald isn't limited to haunting specific locations, and can travel where he wishes. In the two years since Robert's death, Gerald has done a lot of that.

Description: Below is a picture Robert drew of Gerald Silver.
[Image: Gerald_Silver.png]

Gerald's basic personality template fits the common archetype of a 'bold adventurer' as imagined by a young child; brave, always on the lookout for a challenge or interesting treasure, and willing to bring along a sidekick or two to teach in his ways.

Since Robert's death however, Gerald has picked up several new personality traits, the first and most obvious of which is that he still isn't over Robert's death, constantly blaming himself for it, and repeatedly wishing he could see his creator again. There is also an extremely noticeable sense of frustration originating from Gerald's limited ability to interact with the real world, compared with how he was effortlessly able to traverse the realms that Robert dreamed up.

Weapons/Abilities: First and foremost, Gerald is mostly incorporeal; all but the most excessive physical attacks whiff right through him without inflicting any harm whatsoever. Extremely powerful energy releases such as direct lightning strikes or multi-megawatt lasers can have some effect however. Similarly, it is extremely hard for a purely physical being to observe Gerald, at most getting a vague feeling that 'someone is there'.

This incorporeality also makes it rather difficult for Gerald to interact with the physical world directly; under normal circumstances, he has to interact indirectly by invading a person's imagination. This isn't mind control, but it does allow Gerald to manifest various imaginary objects into his victim's perspective, which the victim treats as real in all aspects, even possibly walking over a nonexistent bridge and reaching the other side without falling. On the other hand, the victim can imagine their own constructs, which Gerald then has to deal with, as such constructs bypass Gerald's incorporeality.

There is one last skill in Gerald's arsenal, and that is to steal some of a victim's psychic energy after invading their subconscious. This causes some temporary mental sluggishness in the victim, but that is not the primary purpose of this technique. Instead, the stolen psychic energy can be expended to create imaginary constructs and force them into a sufficiently real state that anyone can interact with them as if they were fully real. This can even include autonomous self-sustaining creatures or surreal pocket dimensions if sufficient psychic energy is expended.
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RE: The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week 2: GHOST! ooOOOooo - by The Just Writer - 05-30-2018, 06:39 PM