The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial

The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial

Dr. Atlas Morrigan – Schazer
Chief Of Staff – Lead your scum coalition in practice as well as flavor.
Expert Diagnosis – Successfully identify your anonymous hat mason with only two short messages to work off of.
Temporary Amnesia – Accidentally let your identity slip to your not-so-anonymous (and clueless) hat mason.
Euthanasia – Against your more whimsical wishes, eliminate your hat mason the night you open communications.

and now


The First Annual Smugzer

For Being Smug Enough To Get Shot

[Image: lb7bM.gif]
Congratulations Schazer!

Darcy Aurelio – Airey, cyber95, Deceptive
Futile Test – Have your lobotomized self elected for a brain scan.
Stress Relief – Have two players ask to be replaced.
Replacement King: Ascend – Fulfill your destiny
Miraculous Recovery – Narrowly avoid major suspicion for most of the game.
Wonderfully Botched Procedure – Keep a town player from killing another, only to have the player you saved kill themselves at the start of the following day.
Precognition – Guarantee a Malcontent victory by perfectly guiding their actions on the final night. Not bad for a guy with half a brain.

Jacob Filion – Prime Intellect, gloomyMoron
Role-playing – Lapse into a posting coma for several days.
Comadvertising – Loudly proclaim your immunity to day actions, negating any danger you might have posed to the Malcontents.
Your Reputation Precedes You – Have the day doctor swap to you the instant you replace into the game.
Muddled Sheets – Negate the only purpose of your previous incarnation’s claim (to protect fellow Establishment individuals with day powers) by simply replacing into the game and thereby inadvertently killing the only Establishment individual with day powers.

Dr. Uguu Von Kawaii – crepuscularDissembler
Trust me; I’m a Kitten – Ride out the entire game on a vague early flavor claim.
Butterpaws – Waste one of your day kills on one of only three targets immune to them. At least you didn’t die in the process!
Role-playing – Stay true to your flavor by preventing someone’s death in the night only to kill them the following day.
No Lives – Narrowly escape a certain lynch with a little help from your scum pals.

Tavish DeGroot – absoluteCertainty
Surgical Prep – Have a mighty reveal planned for when you finally use your ability. Never produce anything of the sort, much to the mod’s dismay.
Trauma Queen – Hint at your activation for most of the day. Be thoroughly ignored by everyone else.

Kenji Ryu – Sotek/Laset
Almost Too Easy – Have your elimination target fully claim Day 1. Lead a successful lynch on them.
Medical Drama – Repeat your wish to be night killed enough to keep the Malcontents from doing so – but somehow manage to convince a fellow Establishment player to oblige you.
Surgical Precision – Eliminate two key Malcontents with one bullet – anything less would have been disgraceful.
Not-so-false Martyr – Inspire a survivor to continue fighting the good fight.

Jayden – Niall
Rabies – Attempt to engineer a series of wild gambits that all go horribly wrong.
Alternative Medicine – “Time will tell, but for now I just want to cause some chaos. Let's see if we can't get those cogs in people's heads turning.”

Dr. Robert Strudel – youdont12know
Hypochondriac – Fret about being elected for a brain scan and publicly ask for medical attention. Be killed the following (first) night of the Quarantine because an overly optimistic intern thought your pleas would be answered.
In Remission – Never have a chance to activate your tumor-based superpowers.

Mickey Hatterson – Jay, Dais
Medical Mumbo-Jumbo – Be perpetually confused over whether you are merely a flavor or also a mechanical miller.
ALSO WAIT A MINUTE. HOLD UP. BACK THAT SHIT WAY UP. DAIS SAID HATS. – Slog through almost a day’s worth of claiming before your intended-to-be-suspicious flavor rings any bells with other players.
Unfortunate Timing – Be killed the night after replacing in.

Christine Vandelay – curiousCat
Double Blind Trial – Regret screwing with the (fake claim) cop’s results.
Chaos – Get broken out of your wonderful self-targeting routine when the only action to target you is redirected… to yourself. Die as a result of the unforgiving RNG.

Dr. Gregory House – Acionyx
Differential Diagnosis – Use your quicktopic far more (and far more productively) than any other player.
Chronic Fatigue – Never bother to pursue your lynching target, have them reach the endgame with you.
Accelerated Progression – Line up a variety of stunning gifs, only manage to use two of them.
Adverse Side Effect – As a result of your alignment, jointly win with the Malcontents you’d been working all game to defeat.
World-Renowned - Despite being unaligned, be the most popular doctoring target by far.

Father Rufus Missuaga – imperviousScofflaw
This Is A Secular Institution – Have your d1 claim overshadowed by the anti-town third party’s insane decision to reveal themselves, be subsequently ignored by the rest of the playerbase.
Defrocked – Ignored by everyone but the Malcontents, who promptly eliminate you. This is your consolation prize.

Dr. Pepper Austin – dragonpaul99
Watchful Waiting – Never manage to use your ability prior to your untimely death.
Suspicious Paperwork – Promise the mod you’ll use your quicktopic. Never use it.

Dr. Kathlyn Rosalyn Strykerr – Blueberry
Hypoclaimless Oath – Never make any sort of claim throughout the game.
Microscopic – Play the game as a complete vanilla as you are neither investigated nor shot at throughout the entirety of it.
Disregarding Medical Advice – Agree to hammer a claimed bomb.
Daily Checkup – Constantly protect one target until they are proven unaligned.

Dr. Draco Von Zommelldester - ~ATH
Malpractice – Target only fellow town players with your CPR doctoring. Kill everyone you manage to reach.
Enabler – Inadvertently allow Kenji Ryu to make a comeback.
Paranoia – Take your nightaction-flavor to heart despite clues as to its unreliability.

Dr. Alan Girgin – Crilly
Medical Routine – Protect a total of one target throughout the game – again, and again, and again.
Mediclander – Be the only Establishment doctor to successfully save a life, though they would’ve survived anyway.
Failed Experiment – Be killed instantly for daring to attempt to protect someone that isn’t completely townfirmed.

Dr. Alice Liddell – Mikeee
Enigmatic Psychiatric – Manage to obfuscate your identity from a perceptive patient for an entire night.
Extensive Evaluation – Jail the same person for all but your final night in the Quarantine.

Dr. Manuel Paiva – hp2rt, lazyLawyer
Inconclusive Results – Check players against either third parties or janitored/dead players for the vast majority of the Quarantine’s nights.
Too Little Too Late – Make a check that actually catches scum, but lose the game before it can come in handy.

Rashkir Doolittle – Slayer0, Drakenforge
Called it – “Here's my thesis.The night I gain my powers will be the night I die.”
Snoozing Angel – Fail to protect anyone on the final night of the Quarantine.

A.I.exe – passiveNotation
Query: Love – Be killed not by your own indiscretions but by those of your one true lover.
Carrier – Play such a slick game that your being aligned with the Malcontents comes as a surprise to most everyone.

Daniel Adainas – Pick Yer Poison, fivexthethird, Trout, Solaris
Breach of Doctor-Patient Confidentiality – Be forcibly replaced after the mod lets confidential information slip.
Comatose Insanity – Remain completely silent after replacing in, apart from a brief maniacal outburst upon activating your ability.
Relapse – Briefly return to activity after a further replacement, only to fall back into lurking.

Dino Dinapoli – I’m
Where Does It Hurt? – Fail to save even one life throughout the Quarantine.
Over-optimistic Expectations – Have the mod edit your win condition after realizing how difficult it truly was.

DR. MAX POWER – A Killer Cuppa Tea
Express Ambulance – Take the speed bus down to lynch town.
I'm not a very good scum am I :|?– Express your dismay at your apparent inability to play scum. Win anyway.

Heather Drake – granolaman
Intern – Mistakenly kill the Establishment’s only straight investigator night one.
Second Opinion – Be completely off the mark as to the identity of your hat mason partner until she accidentally reveals it.
Risky Consultation – Openly tell your hat mason that you’re shooting them, and list the exact actions they will take if they are scum. Die when those steps are indeed taken.

Foster Erlenbush – SleepingOrange
Idiosyncrasy – Stick to your beliefs on day one.
Synthesis – Delight in your newfound powers after absorbing a former hat mason.
Parasite – Pull off your fake claim perfectly, coming under no suspicion until it’s far too late.

Maralyn Arnsworth – Paranoia
Idiopathic Claim Syndrome – Knowing that you are a wanted criminal, claim on the first day.
Symptomatic – Perfectly call the flavor of the role hunting for you.
Paranoia Wrote:[08:27] SoundlyParanoid I wouldn't be surprised if there's an interpol agent in the game now
[08:27] SoundlyParanoid taht's a lyncher for me

Dr. Edwin Bola – Dragon Fogel
Placebo Effect – Make the only successful Establishment nightdoctor save during the Quarantine, have it pierced anyway.
First Do No Harm – Despite attacking two other players (one a Malcontent), never manage to kill anyone with your protection’s unfortunate side effect.

Ruy Ávila Tejada – Paranoia, Autoptrophic Lizard
Hypoclaimless Oath – Never make any form of claim throughout the game.
Sedentary Lifestyle – After replacing in, make 6 posts over 7 game days. Survive until endgame.
Perfectionist – Despite not needing to worry about doctors, successfully kill all your targets without having to bypass them save once.

Bonus Awards
Synesthesia – Be the artist. It is you.

Emergency Consult – Aid the mod in concocting awards past the last minute.

Messages In This Thread
The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:17 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:39 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:41 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:42 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:46 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:50 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:52 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:55 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 09:57 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:03 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:08 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:18 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:24 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:28 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:31 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:39 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:43 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 10:57 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 11:36 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 11:46 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-10-2018, 11:50 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Solaris - 05-10-2018, 11:53 PM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Schazer - 05-11-2018, 03:01 AM
RE: The Mirdini MSPAF Mafia Memorial - by Mirdini - 05-11-2018, 03:19 AM