Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> You may want to think of ways to explain this to your parents....

[Image: sBufs9x.png]

Instead of doing much in the way of explaining, you declare you'll be keeping the birds in the backyard until your uncle stops asking questions.

Effy can explain the cawing next door to HER parents.

> discover that they're actually good boys when not angry

[Image: qTYOb6B.png]

For what it's worth, the damn things are obedient, because you're PRETTY sure they could just destroy the chains if they really wanted to run away.

Weird that they don't have names. You decide you have to change that so you don't just keep referring to them as "the one with the dopey eyes" or "the one with the bushy tail." You let Effy name one of them too. They don't let her name them until you reiterate, very firmly, that you will be calling one of them Taka from then on.

It's scary how they just tear through all the meat you give them, too. Ugh, this is so going to cut into your development funds--

[Image: GKllmvB.png]


[Image: psqXy4m.png]


The days continue to pass.

[Image: Ahoo5tt.png]

Usually, when people speak of time marching on, they're talking about years or decades. But a march from one end of the street to the other is still a march - or, at the very least, a part of it.

And there is a lot that can be set in motion along the way.

[Image: VCiuwNc.png]

EFFY: ... And this is our favourite ice cream place!
CLOVER: ... You're really gonna make your freakin' ghost ancestor try ice cream.
EFFY: What's wrong with that?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 05-04-2018, 10:20 PM