A Cordial Invitation

A Cordial Invitation
RE: A Cordial Invitation
You think of several questions, mostly non-noble related. You turn to the castle guard. "Where's the bathroom?"

The guard gives you a funny look. "Do you really have to go? The castle's up ahead if you really need to run to it. Or magic yourself up to it, your call."

"No, I just wanted to see if there was a bathroom." You put a hand to your waist. "It would be awfully silly for the queen to not have one, though."

She chuckles. "Well, considering this is the queen, it wouldn't be unlike her to do that just to see our reactions. Don't take her to seriously is my opinion."

You put a hand to your chin. "Alright. Do you need an enchantment?"

Fate rolls a 10 on a 20-sided die.

"My armor's already enchanted." As if to demonstrate, she flicks her armor, which only glows in response. "Wouldn't trust you to not overwrite it, sorry, bud."

You pout a little bit. "Not even one that makes you sparkle a lot of colours?"

"Would ruin my image when I have to be more stoic." She shrugs, not offering much of an apology. "It's somewhat weird to offer that, by the way. I'm sure you're a good enchanter though."

You sigh. "This walk going to be quite the trip if you continue acting like this."

The guard laughs, taking your snide comment as a joke. "Well, we all can't listen to what our charges say. No enchantments."

You cross your arms and huff. "Fine."

The villagers around you seem to have stopped listening to your conversation. Some still seem to be hanging close, though they seem to prefer attending to their duties.

"Do nobles turn into lizards?" You decide to ask.

She laughs harder. "Mx. Noot, you truly have the strangest ideas."

After she's stopped laughing, she hums as she answers your question. "I've heard one noble could, but she's an outlier. Plus, she's fifteen, or something. I don't think the queen would invite her to this. So, no."

"What's wrong with inviting the fifteen year old, anyways," you say. "What did the queen want anyways?" You feel more ears listening closer to your conversation. The guard pays no mind.

"Oh, that?" The guard gives you a grin. She whispers to you, "She wants you to find a ghost."

The two of you arrive at the queen’s castle. You can’t help but think it was smaller than you expected. Most of the time, people play the size of it to be way bigger than you. This was still far from your height, but at worst, you think this could be the height of a modern home. Netherless, it still looks as elegant as ever.

The guard accompanies you to the entrance, at which you notice that there’s someone outside waiting too.

Fate rolls a 4 on a 4-sided die.

The person’s eyes dart back and forth from you and the door. Judging by the clothes they’re wearing, they must be one of the nobles that were invited.

“Well,” the guard says, giving you a pat on the back. “Looks like I gotta go. Good luck with them, I sure don’t wanna be in your place.”

Before you can say another word, the guard has already left your side.

You sigh and wait beside the noble beside you.

“A-ah.” The noble seems to notice you at last, and gives you a small wave. “Hello, there. You must be, the um…”

You don’t say anything and only stare at them in response. The noble clears their throat and holds out their hand. “You may call me Writ, if you’d like. I.. suppouse I must be called Noble Writ, but we’d be working alongside each other today.”

Fate rolls a 20 on a 20-sided die.

You take their hand and grin. “I’m Catherine, but if we’re being informal, I think Noot would be fine.”

They give a shaky smile in return. “Well, I should hope so. It’s nice to meet you, Noot.”

The two of you sit in silence for a while. Writ doesn’t seem too chatty.

They clear their throat, as if to get your attention. “It’s been quite a while, actually… The queen has told me to stay put until she came, but it’s been too long.”

You immediately stand up, unable to hide your excitement. “Are you planning to go against her law?”

“It’s not her law!” Writ immediately puts their hands up in defense. “It’s just… she couldn’t mind if we wandered off for a bit, right? Explore her castle. What do you say?”

Author’s NoteShow

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RE: A Cordial Invitation - by LammarWesley - 05-14-2018, 04:13 PM
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RE: A Cordial Invitation - by FlanDab - 05-16-2018, 09:35 AM
RE: A Cordial Invitation - by Arcanuse - 05-16-2018, 03:01 PM
RE: A Cordial Invitation - by LammarWesley - 05-16-2018, 04:11 PM