Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever

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Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever
RE: Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever
[Image: wjjm03.png]

I think I do okay socially. I mean, mostly. At least, I did last year, and this school year only started two weeks ago. You know, you're right. I haven't really gone out of my way to do anything with my friends lately. I should make sure I don't fall too far into myself. And I'd be happy to run to the principal's office, if my head wasn't pounding so much.

I take the pink slip and walk out. Might as well make this quick. Maybe I can check on the AI on the way back. I catch the start of Ms. Newton informing the principal that I'm on my way there over the intercom.

(03-05-2013, 09:56 PM)Not The Author Wrote: »When'd you pick up all this history, again? Just... around, generally, or was there some particular interest in the material?

What? Why is...

(03-05-2013, 11:50 PM)Pick Yer Poison Wrote: »How many times has this happened? And how long ago did you start feeling this stuff was too easy for you?

I don't know why I'm making myself ask questions about myself. This seems silly. I already know how I have been experiencing enhanced desire for mental activity, Which reached a noticeable point on April 14th of this year, 1995. This mental hunger seems to ebb and flow in waves of variable period, about a day on average, but even at low points my mental activity is greatly enhanced over what it was as early as the end of March. High points are occasionally accompanied by insomnia, with resulting headache on the following day. But you know that already, myself. I mean...don't you? I guess I decided to operate under a paradigm where these externalized thought processes actually take the form of external entities. I will call you Others.

So, Others, on the 22nd of August I brought my history book home and read through it in about one hour and fifteen minutes, although admittedly I only skimmed many parts that didn't seem to have any novel information. I did this mostly out of interest with how the things it said didn't really seem consistent with what I'd read on the internet over the summer, though I guess it was partly because I was bored being stuck in my room because of the first pink slip I got. This makes two now.

(03-05-2013, 06:56 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Despite your advanced intelligence, completely miss the obvious signs that your principal is secretly a supervillain.

See, Others, this is an even more confusing thing to say to myself. Anyway, I don't think he is. Why would a supervillain pose as a principal? He'd have to deal with kids all day.

[Image: 2jdm6u8.png]

"Ah, Samuel. I've been expecting you. I hear you've been quite a bother for poor dear Ms. Newton." I hand him the pink slip wordlessly and sit down. His eyes dart down to it for just a moment, and return to me. "Yes, yes, that's all in order. Samuel, why don't you tell me why you think you're here right now?"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Powerfriends Justiceforce Unlimited Forever - by Elize - 03-07-2013, 07:34 AM