The Relic of Lost Arch

The Relic of Lost Arch
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
kilozombie Wrote:Magnets are helpful. Let's shoot Flux a message, too (though the guy's often busy).

Yeah, magnets are helpful. Trying to call Flux, all you get is a answering machine.

Lets try texting him. Sending a text that says "can you come to Port Rezno?" is simple, as you hit the "send" button.

A moment later, you receive a response. "what for?"
"relic hunting"
"well you're gonna have to bring sparky"
...Oh yeah, they can't be separated. Lets come back to him.

Justice Watch Wrote:Give Amber a call, and then Wesly.

You never asked for Amber's number. Its on your phone for whatever reason.

Calling him, he picks up after a short time. "Hello?" Amber asks.

You respond, asking him to come to Port Rezno, while informing him of a relic.
"Well, I'm already in Port Rezno. Another relic also sounds interesting. I'm in. Where to?"

You inform him to come to the docks, since you were going to call Wesly.

"Sure." He hangs up after that.

Time to call Wesly. You try calling the boat dealer he works at, since its 10 AM. He also picks up the phone, only after a bit of constant ringing.
"Hello, Port Rezno Boat Dealer here, I'm Wesly."

Glad to know its Wesly. You tell him if you can get a boat for relic hunting.

"O-Oh, didn't know it was you Dusty. Sorry about that. Yeah, I can give you a boat. On the house."
You also ask him if he wants to come with you.

"For a relic? ...Maybe. We'll see when you get there." One more thing to add, you describe that a white dog with a glass hat is coming with you.

"Oh, you mean Amber? Alright then, you might need a bigger boat if you're going to hold multiple people. I'll tell the details later. See you there." Wesly hangs up.

Maybe you should go text Sparky and Flux once you get to the dock. Otherwise, you should get going.

Going down the stairs and exiting the building, you are presented with a bright sunny day, with the warmth shining onto you. It smells like sea water, since the docks are just down a hill. The waters look calm today, which is good. You don't wanna get swept into the ocean during a storm. Clouds aren't disrupting the sun's comforting warmth either. That's a good thing.

You also have options before you have to go to the dock. Now is your chance to grab anything else you want to bring during this treasure hunt.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]

Messages In This Thread
The Relic of Lost Arch - by box - 04-02-2018, 10:52 PM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Justice Watch - 04-04-2018, 05:17 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by box - 04-05-2018, 12:18 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Myeth - 04-04-2018, 10:46 PM
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Dragon Fogel - 04-05-2018, 12:46 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by box - 04-06-2018, 12:38 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Justice Watch - 04-05-2018, 04:08 PM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Justice Watch - 04-07-2018, 07:13 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by kilozombie - 04-10-2018, 09:44 PM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by box - 04-12-2018, 10:11 PM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Dragon Fogel - 04-12-2018, 10:59 PM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by box - 04-16-2018, 02:14 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by kilozombie - 04-16-2018, 02:28 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Justice Watch - 04-16-2018, 07:48 PM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by box - 04-18-2018, 04:40 AM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by box - 04-21-2018, 09:12 PM
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch - by Justice Watch - 04-21-2018, 09:31 PM