[M]om - Last Hurrah [TEXT][Cancelled]

[M]om - Last Hurrah [TEXT][Cancelled]
RE: [M]om - End of Thursday [TEXT]

You decide to spend your idle periods before work making toys for the babies. It takes a bit of time but you manage to expend about 10 scrap and 4 wires to create two items: a finely-made mobile system and a blinking box.
The former can attach to the system you use to feed and monitor the babies to entertain and soothe them, and the latter is a simple cube with a button that changes the color of the light on the box.

As you put the items into your inventory you notice Ewedice leaving the nursery to enter main storage, and shortly after they trot over to you.
"Excuse me M9113.. would you like me to assist in moving the babies to the playpen?"
You nod, and follow them to the nursery.

The babies are corraled into the playpen, and the television is set up. As there isn't much for you to personally do you watch the movies with the babies (and Mr Bonemeal).

The first movie is about a tourist who is searching for their dream vacation, and over the course of the movie they visit several planets while amassing a 'crew' of like-minded friends (ariesa, brewdian, gigne, and a zanni). Nearly every other planet the amassed group sings a musical number about keeping the hope for a better day, or something along those lines. The ending of the movie involves the wandering tourist realizing the dream vacation was the one they shared with the friends they made along the way. There's a discretion shot, and while all the kids are too young you fully understand that the tourist dies at the end.

You go to grab a snack from the break-room, and find that the freezer is stuffed with senspray remains. You dice up a few and fry them in a pan, and return to eat as the second movie starts.

It's 'based on a real story', wherein a clockwork outbreak happened in a distant sector from active notail space. The movie goes from a three act formula with it gradually building in number of deaths, the extremity of which, and how close everyone is to surviving the outbreak.
There's heavy symbolism at parts including a cawing harpy being shot to death by a fighter ship, and at a number of the plot points the babies make noises that tell you they're all clearly entertained.
The whole climax builds to the remaining survivors ready to evacuate only for a q-class to set one on fire without hesitating. The main character and love interest find a safehouse only for a bomber ship to pin them under rubble, and the remaining clockworks decide to have a last meal.
Mr Bonemeal seems disappointed by the end of it, as he complains he expected to be filled up for days.
Due to the way the babies are responding the movie night seems to have been a big success.

You have terrorsaur steak for dinner, and watch Freya preen herself of blood in the dining room.


You wake up to find a report ready for you to read from Freya, and you head out to find that p2998 has arrived. The G-class driver that took them to the village has finished helping them get all their belongings to their room, and you're ready to meet them.
"My name's 2998 ˶°u°˵"
"It is nice to finally welcome you to the village XuX"
"Is there anything you need me to do right now? ˶°u°˵"
"Not that I can think of right now, buuuuut it would be nice if you could make sure everything is up to par XuX"
"I'll get right on it ˶°u°˵"
You also make note that unlike most p-classes 2998 has a capture creature typically found in l-classes, and that it's a camelbeast. They call it Binny and that it's species is called a Dromediosk.

You run your check-ups on the babies and see nothing of serious note, and begin your interactions. Everything seems normal for the day.
That is until Freya has run through the village letting out a war-cry to draw your attention. You come running outside assuming the worst only to find that she's giving you an emergency update on the sensprays. They were just spotted on the very outskirts of the village, but are dispersing. You're concerned that Freya is giving you useless information but you remember the handbook for freya units mentioning that all norse ai are prone to being hyper-prepared for danger.

The rest of the day proceeds as normal, and it comes to mind you need to handle what p2998 will be working on for the time being.
- Have them focus on scrapping the rubble.
- Have them focus on repairs
- Have them focus on optimizing the village's functions
- Other


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