fortuna new poster intro thread

fortuna new poster intro thread
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
hello !! im emmie/''emery'' and im not really new to Fortuna, in fact i'm sitting back in the far corner of the discord...I just never participate ever, but I do really love it !!
and...also robots. this comic has made my love for robots absolutely immense, and now I have all sorts of mini metal mess makers running around and absolutely destroying everything. Send help.
Fortuna is also a huge inspiration for me story-wise, if any of my friends did read it they'd see Fortuna influence written all over it. Kudos for making such a wonderfully built world with a hodge-podge of story elements, greek/roman influence, and cool robots. B)

I would put a robot here but I literally have no clue how to operate these forums, in fact excuse if this isn't how I'm suppose to post things?? My favorite robot is Helios though!

Messages In This Thread
fortuna new poster intro thread - by OTTO - 04-27-2009, 07:04 PM