Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!

Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
Name: Lana Par'gal
Gender (if applicable): Female

Species: Squar (Humanlike torsos and heads, but with tentacled lower-half and hair and tentacle arms; have innate (but difficult to control) psychic abilities)
Basic Physical Description: Rather short, even for her kind, and with pink coloration. Loves frilly dresses.
Planet of Origin: Rhy'goth
Qualifications: Unlike most of her kind, she can form her lower tentacles into crude legs to make herself humanoid.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines! - by The One Guy - 02-12-2018, 07:24 PM