Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!

Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
Name: Kitten Emberclaw
Gender (if applicable): Gender Z

Species: Chromel
Basic Physical Description: A stout humanoid made of organosteel. Every surface is angular and chrome. Body is stiff, hard, and furless. Arms and legs are thick, and hands and feet are wide and clawed. Head resembles that of a wolf, with triangular ears, serrated teeth that are fused to the jaws, and bright yellow glassy eyes that are practically glowing. Has short stiff tail that points upward trailing behind.
Planet of Origin: Planet X
Qualifications: I have good eyes, is under 80 years old, real smart, has really dextrous hands, and a driver's license.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines! - by FlanDab - 02-10-2018, 11:52 PM