Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!

Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
Name: Milk (it's a very dignified name in the language of my species honestly trust me)
Gender: Nope

Species: Sylph
Basic physical description: Humanoid in shape, made of featureless brightly coloured light (neon green in my case), solid enough to interact with the world and wear the appropriate protective gear, but very malleable and capable of phasing entirely with the right provocation.
Planet of Origin: Antrophades V
Qualifications: Strong understanding of various engines from the internal combustion engine, to warp engines. Months of research into local traffic codes and ordinances. Drove a car once.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines! - by Ixcaliber - 02-10-2018, 11:49 PM