Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!

Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
The garage smells like oil and farts as you scour the cars for your designated one.

You've been selected as the representative from your home planet for the Trius Annual Interplanetary Racing Tournament, and you're not happy about it. You were only selected because you were fit enough to do this, because most of the denizens on your backwater planet at the edge of the system are too old, unfit, or just not of a species considered by the tournament committee. Thankfully you were raised by diligent parents who were at least humanoid, giving you legibility to race in the tourney.

After all, if your planet didn't have a contender, you're not sure what would happen but you can bet it wouldn't be great.

11 other competing racers are here, and they seem to know what they're doing to some extent. You envy them, especially as you come to face your own vehicle.

[Image: NClmo2n.png]

A humanoid man covered head-to-toe in bandages sees you, and ticks something off on his clipboard.

[Image: PqCMML4.png]

"Here's your car, bud. Heh, if you can even call it that."

He laughs as he walks off, leaving you to face the reality of your situation. This probably isn't going to go well, especially because you have absolutely no idea how to drive.

A checklist is thrown in front of you, and the bandaged man from earlier lurks over.

[Image: oTDJdwC.png]

"Fill this out. I don't know what kinda crossbreed you are but it's all gotta be filed."

Racer Entry FormShow

i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.

Messages In This Thread
Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines! - by sprïly - 02-10-2018, 08:21 PM