You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 19 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(01-22-2018, 12:40 PM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »> 'Why did you follow me anyways? We could have just had a normal conversation, you know.'
> 'Did you need something from a witch?'

{The Weird Witch - Feeling Good!}

"Why were you following me around anyway? You could've just like..walked up and said hello."
"Um. Well, I was, totally gonna do that!" He wobbles back and forth while he talks. "But 'cause I thought you were a witch and we might talk about witch stuff I didn't wanna talk anywhere too public, or while you were already with someone, in case it might 'out' you or somethin'."
"..You seem perfectly happy talking about being a witch now." You gesture to the still-crowded streets nearby.
"Well, nobody believes me when I talk about it, but it was, you know, in case someone knew you and had some evidence, so me saying you were a witch would make them all suspicious!"
"I'm already half Mana. So, me using magic wouldn't even be a surprise..."
"Really?" he looks astonished again. "I just thought it meant alchemists were green!"

You pause for a second, snort, and then just laugh out loud for a moment. Something about it just makes that the funniest response you've gotten to your unusual skin tone.
Niko just seems confused by the laughter. "What?"
"Um, nevermind. Is there some reason you wanted to talk to me, if I was a witch?"
"Not exactly, specifically, I mean..I was just excited to meet another one, 'cause we're so rare," he says. "Umm, to be honest I'm still in training and I thought getting some tips from someone a little older would be helpful.

"But an alchemist is just as exciting, though! Do you do commission work?"
"In theory, yeah..I don't know how to make very much right now, though," you say.
"Ooh, but when you get better you can make super good catalysts, right?" he says eagerly, undeterred.
"Assuming I know what those are by then.."
"I can ask my gramma to send recipes for the really good ones! But, until then, I could just request stuff that'll help you get lots of practice in. You could get better and make money at the same time!" You think of asking where he's supposedly getting money from, but decide against it for now. "Do you take orders directly, or through the scary glasses guy?"
"At the castle?"
"Oh." He means Stahl. "The second one."
"Great! You'll hear from me soon!" He goes zooming off faster than you think is safe in that gigantic robe, and also a little too fast to have hoped to follow him.

You had a few more questions about him supposedly being a witch and so on, but it seems they'll just have to wait. It's probably a good idea to hurry to the workshop at this point anyway.

Thankfully, Miriam isn't here yet. You half-expected to find her already at the front door with her arms crossed and an annoyed expression at having to wait for you to get there. Once inside, you get things ready to do some alchemy, and after a little while she arrives carrying a few pieces of broken-off, half-rusted metal, as well as a small notebook and pen.

{Doing Science - Professor E Gadd}

"What will you make out of this?" she asks.
"Um, polish powder. Like, for polishing stuff."
"Hmm." She scribbles some notes. You just go on and get to work.

Even though you haven't tried this recipe before, it's ridiculously easy to do. Which turns out to be extremely fortunate, because Miriam keeps poking her head toward the cauldron or interrupting you to ask all kinds of weird questions, only to respond with "hmm" and more note-taking. It's very distracting and makes it tough to concentrate on your work, and surely would've led to disaster if you'd tried to actually make another bomb while dealing with it. Still, eventually it's over with, and you have a bag of perfectly good polish powder to work with, along with a bit of leftover scraps. (+1 Polish Powder, +2 Scrap Metal)

"So this is what alchemy looks like," she says, examining the finished product briefly before handing it back to you. "Very little of this makes sense from a scientific perspective. One shouldn't be able to begin with metal and end with this--which doesn't even include metal in it."
"Well, um, it is a kind of magic," you say. From what you can gather, she considers natural, non-magical things to be 'scientific'.
"Right, but all magic has a logic to it. In this case, I believe it's the conversion and combination of things on a conceptual level rather than a physical one. You took something with the capacity to shine, and turned it into something intended to make other things shine. I assume creating a bomb this way involves converting it from something capable of burning, for example..."
"More or less?"
Miriam nods. "It's interesting to see. At any rate, I can conclude that it isn't anything like what I do. You aren't at all likely to crowd out my niche given the wide variety of objects you are able to produce this way.

"That said...I do have an offer to make which I think you will find attractive." Miriam's glasses shine and she smirks in a kind of unhinged-seeming way.
"I understand your work involves going out of town and fighting monsters in order to procure the ingredients necessary to make certain objects. I would like to offer my services in helping you do so. I believe 100 Cole per day, along with meals and sleeping arrangements, would make it worth my time."
"Oh..okay. You know how to fight?"

"But of course! I had to make it all the way to Syzygy on my own, and the roads are not entirely safe." She displays a crossbow which was hiding..somewhere inside her weird coat. "This is my weapon of choice, along with my personal supply of explosives, though the latter is limited in quantity." She puts it away again. "However, my most valuable asset is not my fighting abilites; rather, I believe my keen observational skills will be greatly of use to you. To demonstrate this, I'm prepared to offer you a free trial of my skills. The next time you go out of town, take me along--for at most one week--free of charge. I'll show you what I'm capable of!" If it weren't part of a sales pitch, her tone of voice would make that last sentence sound like a threat.
"Um, thanks," you say.

She nods again. "It is getting late. We shall meet again soon." With that, Miriam dashes out. You feel pretty tired after all of that, and go straight to bed.

Soon, it's another new day, and time to decide once again what to do with it.


Date: 1/12
Time: Dawn

Status & Inventory:

3716 Cole

Location: Syzygy - Sarah's Workshop

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info


Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 19 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Xindaris - 01-25-2018, 04:19 AM