You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 19 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(01-09-2018, 12:14 PM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »> draw em out.
> ignore every look anyone nearby gives you.
> if nothing comes out, hurriedly apologize to everyone around you and head home. and be preparreeeeeed.

"I'll just see if I can get them to come out," you say. "See you in a little bit."
"Alright." Miriam dashes off.

First you head away from where you were speaking with her for a bit until you get the feeling you're being followed again. So you start yelling: "Hey! Whoever's been following me around all day, would you just come out and talk already!?" You get a couple of weird looks, but honestly it'd be far from the strangest or most annoying thing you've done publicly, often with Dave there too.

Anyway, after a bit you get a soft tap on your should. "Blu-waah!" You turn around and take a couple of steps backwards, not having heard someone walking up. But it does seem like your follower did decide to come out in the open.

{The Weird Witch - Feeling Good!}

It's a cat beastfolk boy with..extremely bright pink hair and fur, wearing a loose robe-like outfit with a starry pattern and a black conical hat which is so ridiculously oversized for him that it would surely fall down over his eyes if his ears weren't splayed out to the side to keep it on (and constantly wiggling from side to side as a result). He comes up to your shoulder (not counting that hat), and you'd guess he's not older than fourteen, maybe. He looks only slightly nervous. "Um..sorry about that. Startling you, and following you around. I probably should've known you'd be able to detect a lesser witch around!"
"A what?" You've heard legends of witches, but they're supposed to be a myth. People who aren't mana but can just do all kinds of magic stuff right from their hands, like shoot fire or call down lightning.
He seems to miss your question, and continues: "I was just excited to smell another witch at all! I thought my family was the only ones left."

"Um..I'm not a witch," you say.
"You're not?" He pumps his arms excitedly; you think he's making some gesture with his hands but they're well behind his sleeves. "But you smell like magic!"
You give a half-lidded expression. "I don't know whether I should take that as an insult or not."
"It' smell like catalysts and reactants and stuff," he tries to clarify. "Only witches are supposed to know how to use stuff like that. Unless..oh wait! Are you an alchemist?!" He gets an eager, bright-eyed expression, like someone meeting some kind of star.
"Um..yeah. Just starting out, though. Are you saying you're a witch?"
"Ummm...nooo...of course not!" He shakes his head rapidly and emphatically, which surprisingly does not send his hat flying.

You give a look to indicate you aren't buying it. "Well..I guess it's okay if you know. Alchemists have always been friends to witches anyway. There's all kinds of catalysts we can't even get anymore since they mostly died out. I mean, that's what gramma says anyway. Lemme introduce myself! I'm Niko voll Erslied!" He sticks an arm up so the sleeve falls back to reveal a hand, offering to shake.
"Um..Sarah." You return the shake, which he takes as a sign to have a brief arm-seizure with your hand still in his grasp. You have a lot of questions at this point, but it's hard to decide what to ask first...


Date: 1/11
Time: About three quarters

Status & Inventory:

3716 Cole

Location: Syzygy

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info


Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 19 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Xindaris - 01-16-2018, 12:54 AM