Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Clo: Calm down. Don't shake. Be gentle. Put on a straight face. Act like they're not a big deal. You're supposed to act like their owner. They're not supposed to doubt that you're they're owner until the right time.

[Image: aIzDygj.png]

Look, you know this was the plan and all. You just didn't expect to fool these birds this damn good.

CLOVER: Hey, uh... Selena...?
SELENA: Mm-hmm~?

> Don't worry yourself sick. Just ask Selena how likely you are to be grievously injured by these things!

[Image: hM2BNdS.png]

CLOVER: Don't suppose ya know the odds of these things changin' their minds and gougin' out my tongue...
SELENA: Oh, I wouldn't worry if I were you. They like you, don't they?
CLOVER: ... Huh?

[Image: yOFF7rV.png]

SELENA: They've never come this close to anyone else without getting aggressive...!
SELENA: Hey, try telling them something. I want to see!
SELENA: Talk to them!!
CLOVER: What?!

> In an attempt to disperse the crowd, loudly declare that there is an even BIGGER sale on plastic forks at the uncrowded Fred Meyer's across the street. As they all leave and head over that way, realize that you could have just gone there yourself to begin with.

[Image: MkHpvVw.png]

Boy, you had a pretty silly idea for a second there, but then you remembered there were more stores within walking distance!

You think some of the people in line there were actually trying to get to Walmart. Maybe those plastic forks really are worth all the trouble, but you'll pass for now. You need to help Clover!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 12-28-2017, 11:04 PM